So, Bad Dog returns to the air waves Friday, 3 December for a couple of weeks. He'll be going back to the hospital for a final round of a lighter chemo and then by the first of the year, if not sooner, he'll be back full time with us.
Now, here is the interesting part. It seems that he cannot be around anybody due to his weakened immune system. So, to avoid any potential risk of contamination and catching something like the cold or worse, he is at home. And he wants to come back to work. Thanks to the miracle of modern radio technology, we are going to make this happen.
Bad Dog will have, at his home, a remote rig. It's one of the pieces of equipment we use when we are broadcasting from a bar or car lot or wherever. This will be good as there are a lot of folks who want to have him back on the air as soon as possible and this certainly fills the bill. But, this is going to be kind of a strange experience for us as there is going to be a change as to how we actually do the show.
Normally, we have the ability to use non-verbal communication to sort out our timing or to locate a recorded bit to back up what we are doing. Not now at least. We'll more than likely be stepping on each other and it will sound a bit awkward at first, but there will be a strange transformation that will take place as we go through this. We'll be able to read each others mind more so than normal. And just when we get that little talent down, he'll be off again for a bit.
Nevertheless, this should make for some interesting radio over the next few days. It will different, it will certainly be fun and it will be good to have him back on the air again.
Stay Tuned...
03 December 2009
12 November 2009
He's Human... Again
I just got off the phone with Bad Dog who wanted to touch base with the outside world. Since he's in a strange world of isolation and is starting to feel more normal, he wanted to check in to make sure everyone else is doing alright.
He took the time to describe to me the weirdness that goes with undergoing such a violent chemical assault on the disease that is leukemia. The cocktail of drugs administered to him in double doses can sure take a toll on one's body and mind. It is commonly called "Red Devil" and it will kick your ass and make even the strongest beg for mercy. It kicked Bad Dog down too. Right now, he is without an immune system and is obviously and understandably quite a bit weak. However, the team of medical professionals have been hovering around him to make sure this chemo they have been pumping into him is not having too many adverse reactions.
There is a kidney doctor, a cardiologist, a pulmonary doctor, a blood doctor, an endocrinologist, an oncologist and more watching very closely his slow re-building of his immune system.
I asked him what he meant by "feeling human again" and he told me that the general feeling of hell has passed and that for the first time in weeks he's starting to have some normal functioning of everything else. In other words, specifically his words, he's not hurting.
This morning, on the air, he related to how the chemo therapy has affected the way foods taste. He related the experience of having a bit of breakfast yesterday consisting of toast, scrambled eggs and a bit of bacon tasting like paper mache. He decided that butter was not necessary since there was a simple fear that it would taste of wallpaper paste. The bottom line is he is eating.
His spirits remain high and despite the planned and executed crushing blow to his system to get this disease, he is feeling just a bit stronger everyday. These are all real good signs.
When I asked him about blood counts, he said there is nothing to count and in fact, at that moment we were talking, they were giving him some fresh blood. So, all in all, he's feeling... well, human again. Which is the ultimate goal. Judging from the way he was talking a bit ago, I would actually call it Superhuman.
Herculean fortitude aside, I think we can all expect things to go as the professionals have planned out. A couple of weeks of isolated recovery, another round of chemo (this one being significantly lighter than the first), a bit of recovery and then it's out of the hospital. That is not so much optimism speaking as it is the plain facts as they are... so far.
In the meantime, continue to say your prayers and think positive thoughts that this too, like all other things, shall pass.
Stay Tuned...
He took the time to describe to me the weirdness that goes with undergoing such a violent chemical assault on the disease that is leukemia. The cocktail of drugs administered to him in double doses can sure take a toll on one's body and mind. It is commonly called "Red Devil" and it will kick your ass and make even the strongest beg for mercy. It kicked Bad Dog down too. Right now, he is without an immune system and is obviously and understandably quite a bit weak. However, the team of medical professionals have been hovering around him to make sure this chemo they have been pumping into him is not having too many adverse reactions.
There is a kidney doctor, a cardiologist, a pulmonary doctor, a blood doctor, an endocrinologist, an oncologist and more watching very closely his slow re-building of his immune system.
I asked him what he meant by "feeling human again" and he told me that the general feeling of hell has passed and that for the first time in weeks he's starting to have some normal functioning of everything else. In other words, specifically his words, he's not hurting.
This morning, on the air, he related to how the chemo therapy has affected the way foods taste. He related the experience of having a bit of breakfast yesterday consisting of toast, scrambled eggs and a bit of bacon tasting like paper mache. He decided that butter was not necessary since there was a simple fear that it would taste of wallpaper paste. The bottom line is he is eating.
His spirits remain high and despite the planned and executed crushing blow to his system to get this disease, he is feeling just a bit stronger everyday. These are all real good signs.
When I asked him about blood counts, he said there is nothing to count and in fact, at that moment we were talking, they were giving him some fresh blood. So, all in all, he's feeling... well, human again. Which is the ultimate goal. Judging from the way he was talking a bit ago, I would actually call it Superhuman.
Herculean fortitude aside, I think we can all expect things to go as the professionals have planned out. A couple of weeks of isolated recovery, another round of chemo (this one being significantly lighter than the first), a bit of recovery and then it's out of the hospital. That is not so much optimism speaking as it is the plain facts as they are... so far.
In the meantime, continue to say your prayers and think positive thoughts that this too, like all other things, shall pass.
Stay Tuned...
01 November 2009
Bad Dog
So the days of what we used to call "slow news days" are behind for the moment as are the days of setting this blog in a comfortable archive mode. Between Twitter and here, I'll do my best to keep you all abreast of Bad Dog's current situation as time allows. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Patience being the key as all of a sudden your life goes from "just another day" to "Oh my God, now what?" If you are just tuning in, here's the deal. Bad Dog has been diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Or AML as it is known in these circles.
Like you, I freaked out on the news of this. Then I settled down and began to absorb all that I could about the condition and the specific situation we are looking at.
The nuts and bolts of this disease are quite simply stated as "cancer". Scary, ain't it? At first it certainly seems that way, but in reality, the scary part is getting passed the the third word of the disease, leukemia.
In the past 20 years or so, there have been astounding advances in treating and beating this thing. So that is on our side. So is the simple fact that it has been determined Bad Dog has not had this for very long. A few weeks, to be as precise as possible. So that is on our side too. Add to that his amazingly upbeat state of mind and continued sense of humor and it looks now that we have a very positive situation on our hands.
Just today, the doctors put him into isolation. This is simply a way of preventing the outside world with all of it's illnesses from catching him with his immune system down. This is good, this means that so far, the chemo protocol he is on is working in the right direction. This coming Friday should be the last of the initial chemo and the hardest part of fighting this thing will be behind him. A few weeks of recovery and the next thing you know, he's back on the air with yours truly.
No doubt there will be some minor changes to this routine as we go along and understandably these changes are expected. Everyone being different in the eyes of a cancer patient.
Long story short, Bad Dog is expected to be back in true form, on the air and ready to come back full time around the 2nd week of December. What a great holiday gift that will be for all of us. In the meantime, it will be business as usual (as best as I can pull it off) around the radio station, on and off the air and I will give short bursts of updates as they come in from my Twitter. The link is on the right of your screen. When I can elaborate, I will do it here and on the air.
Rock 103 (link also on the right) has a place to post good will messages and the likes to him since he has access to a laptop and he can read your messages. Otherwise, should anyone have any questions you can contact me directly through this blog or my email through the station.
He's counting on your support and he knows you all are there and I for one, am most confident that he will be back sooner than you know and in full form ready to get back into the game.
Thanks for all your continued support, your thoughts and prayers and we'll be around. Until then...
Stay Tuned....
Patience being the key as all of a sudden your life goes from "just another day" to "Oh my God, now what?" If you are just tuning in, here's the deal. Bad Dog has been diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Or AML as it is known in these circles.
Like you, I freaked out on the news of this. Then I settled down and began to absorb all that I could about the condition and the specific situation we are looking at.
The nuts and bolts of this disease are quite simply stated as "cancer". Scary, ain't it? At first it certainly seems that way, but in reality, the scary part is getting passed the the third word of the disease, leukemia.
In the past 20 years or so, there have been astounding advances in treating and beating this thing. So that is on our side. So is the simple fact that it has been determined Bad Dog has not had this for very long. A few weeks, to be as precise as possible. So that is on our side too. Add to that his amazingly upbeat state of mind and continued sense of humor and it looks now that we have a very positive situation on our hands.
Just today, the doctors put him into isolation. This is simply a way of preventing the outside world with all of it's illnesses from catching him with his immune system down. This is good, this means that so far, the chemo protocol he is on is working in the right direction. This coming Friday should be the last of the initial chemo and the hardest part of fighting this thing will be behind him. A few weeks of recovery and the next thing you know, he's back on the air with yours truly.
No doubt there will be some minor changes to this routine as we go along and understandably these changes are expected. Everyone being different in the eyes of a cancer patient.
Long story short, Bad Dog is expected to be back in true form, on the air and ready to come back full time around the 2nd week of December. What a great holiday gift that will be for all of us. In the meantime, it will be business as usual (as best as I can pull it off) around the radio station, on and off the air and I will give short bursts of updates as they come in from my Twitter. The link is on the right of your screen. When I can elaborate, I will do it here and on the air.
Rock 103 (link also on the right) has a place to post good will messages and the likes to him since he has access to a laptop and he can read your messages. Otherwise, should anyone have any questions you can contact me directly through this blog or my email through the station.
He's counting on your support and he knows you all are there and I for one, am most confident that he will be back sooner than you know and in full form ready to get back into the game.
Thanks for all your continued support, your thoughts and prayers and we'll be around. Until then...
Stay Tuned....
17 October 2009
Something Local

So, last Thursday, the 15th was our local election for mayor. There's no need to go into the nitty-gritty about they whys and hows and all of that. It was a million dollars spent on a special election and something is bothering me about this.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining because my candidate didn't win, I have met Mayor Wharton on numerous occasions and he has always been very nice to me and has never given me any reason to think otherwise about him. Quite frankly, he's a nice guy.
So, my question is this... just how did he win? Some polls suggested that Myron Lowrey had the best shot. He was after all, the interim mayor and had a running start at cleaning up the mess left behind by Herenton. And yes, he was doing a fine job with that. The Dalai Lama debacle aside, he would have been a shoo-in as the existing incumbant. But he couldn't get anywhere close in votes.
How about Jerry Lawler? Several polls had him as a legitimate candidate or a spoiler at the very least. Yet, he barely managed four thousand votes. This after all the poeple I have heard said they were going to vote for him. If they did in fact vote for Lawler, he may very well would have won the election.
And then there is Carol Chumney, lovely lady and smart to boot. She ran a rather quiet campaign and spent very little money in the race. Polls and surveys had her not doing so well, but she managed a sizable percentage of the voters. Where did she get those votes?
Obviously there is a problem with surveys and polls. Or is there a problem on a more sinister level?
The only numbers left are the vote tallies themselves. Here's what I deduced:
There are about 400,000 registered voters in the city.
100,000 people voted.
That means some 300,000 people didn't vote and that is truly sad.
A serious investigation by a third party could figure this out. Even if it was determined that everything was on the up and up. That would be acceptable. But, I'm telling you, and this is strictly MY opinion, something stinks.
Unless there is some monkey business going on at the election commission and that wouldn't surprise me in the least. Given this city's notorious history of dead people voting and the high likelyhood someone could tinker with the ballots, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to think that maybe... just maybe... this election could have been fixed in a broken sort of way.
Perhaps someone ought to look into this.
Maybe we should ask Herenton himself, he was seen at Houston's the night of the election having a nice dinner and then heading over to the Wharton party to celebrate. Maybe I'm wrong about this prediction but given the circumstances beware the following scenario:
Herenton loses the congressional election to Cohen and runs for Memphis mayor in two years and serves eight more as mayor. What do you think?
Then again, why bother? Nobody in this city seems to care.
Stay Tuned...
10 October 2009
That's Entertainment
It's amazing to me that over the years, we as a people have had some rather dramatic changes in what we found and find entertaining. For me, it's runs from the simple to the elaborate and sometimes the downright stupid. Hey, at least I am easy to entertain. As an entertainer, I have to be cautious of what is truly "entertaining".
Buddy Hackett once said that if a joke doesn't offend at least one person, then it's not a joke. How true. Since I tend to wallow in the offensive end of humor. Not by design, it just sort of happens that way. To me, there are some inherent humor to be found in the stupid. But humor is NOT the end of all entertainment. Take a look at previous decades and how we as people have "evolved". Our tastes certainly have changed over the years.
The 80's were full of bad fashion and worse music. (some exceptions apply) The 70's brought the amusement of a pet rock. The 60's... drugs were the amusing thing. At least, that is what I have been told... The 50's in all their puritanical ways gave us Wally and the Beaver.
And then there were the 40's. Witness below the Ross Sisters from 1944. The music was standard of the day, peppy and upbeat, fashion simple and fun. But the major difference for audiences of the day were seeing a singer or band and the usual song and dance routine versus the downright bizarre.
This clip culled from the internet displays a virtual circus act of the likes you don't see to this day. Imagine this on Dancing With the Stars ... you won't. Simply because the TV people these days don't find this sort of thing entertaining.
Here's a test... watch this. Then answer the following question...
Were you entertained?
Stay Tuned...
Buddy Hackett once said that if a joke doesn't offend at least one person, then it's not a joke. How true. Since I tend to wallow in the offensive end of humor. Not by design, it just sort of happens that way. To me, there are some inherent humor to be found in the stupid. But humor is NOT the end of all entertainment. Take a look at previous decades and how we as people have "evolved". Our tastes certainly have changed over the years.
The 80's were full of bad fashion and worse music. (some exceptions apply) The 70's brought the amusement of a pet rock. The 60's... drugs were the amusing thing. At least, that is what I have been told... The 50's in all their puritanical ways gave us Wally and the Beaver.
And then there were the 40's. Witness below the Ross Sisters from 1944. The music was standard of the day, peppy and upbeat, fashion simple and fun. But the major difference for audiences of the day were seeing a singer or band and the usual song and dance routine versus the downright bizarre.
This clip culled from the internet displays a virtual circus act of the likes you don't see to this day. Imagine this on Dancing With the Stars ... you won't. Simply because the TV people these days don't find this sort of thing entertaining.
Here's a test... watch this. Then answer the following question...
Were you entertained?
Stay Tuned...
29 September 2009
Hello, Again.
Sorry, it has been awhile. Sometimes the pursuit of the general things in life can get in the way of something as soulfully important as updating this blog. I was hanging with the Dalai Lama, for crying out loud. No, seriously. The circus surrounding His Holiness' visit to our fair city had taken, at least in my mind, a certain place in the order of things. Think about it, update the blog or spend some time thinking about more important things with one of the most influential people on the planet?
We went to see him at the convention center and it was a great experience even though our esteemed Mayor introduced himself with a fist bump and, "Hello, Dalai." (No joke.) He had claimed he got permission from the Tibetan officials to do that, however, I have it on my own authority (and forever unnamed sources) that he was NEVER given permission to address him in the manner of which he did. I consider this whole scenario nothing more than yet another example of why we can never have anything nice when any politician shows up.
Well, speaking of deep subjects, and in a strange way, bridging a strange gap between the Dalai Lama and other really cool things, I found this little gem on the web featuring another super guy. (Two of them, actually) In a fantastically creative use of the auto-tuner and some old video, let me introduce to you Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking in something so hypnotic it may make you ponder your own existence in this vast universe.
Now, think for a moment... and Stay Tuned...
We went to see him at the convention center and it was a great experience even though our esteemed Mayor introduced himself with a fist bump and, "Hello, Dalai." (No joke.) He had claimed he got permission from the Tibetan officials to do that, however, I have it on my own authority (and forever unnamed sources) that he was NEVER given permission to address him in the manner of which he did. I consider this whole scenario nothing more than yet another example of why we can never have anything nice when any politician shows up.
Well, speaking of deep subjects, and in a strange way, bridging a strange gap between the Dalai Lama and other really cool things, I found this little gem on the web featuring another super guy. (Two of them, actually) In a fantastically creative use of the auto-tuner and some old video, let me introduce to you Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking in something so hypnotic it may make you ponder your own existence in this vast universe.
Now, think for a moment... and Stay Tuned...
06 August 2009
Where's Bob?

What a fascinating tale of a marketing campaign gone horribly wrong. Or right... depending on what you hear or read. Those late night TV ads for the "male enhancement" product Enzyte have been around for awhile. Now, here is the long and short of the story behind greed and Smiling Bob.
Steve Warshak and his mom Harriett were behind our friend Smiling Bob and were ultimately sent to prison for conspiracy to commit mail fraud, bank fraud and money laundering. Harriett got two years while her son was sent up the river for twenty five years. This after thousands of complaints from customers who claimed the penis pill didn't work. (among many other complaints) That is the short of it... no big deal (if you will) as this kind of thing happens all the time, it seems.
But my interest into this was behind finding out just who Smiling Bob is, or as the case may be, was.
The picture above is the famous if not ubiquitous Smiling Bob. Bob, as the well endowed mascot for Enzyte, was apparently played by actor John Larson. So where the hell is he? Was he typecast into oblivion as "Mr. Big", too large for any other work? As it happens in the world of advertising, Bob was merely an actor hired to play his part, cashing his checks as the advertising campaign wore on. But, the founder of Enzyte ran into his legal troubles and John Larson was left... er... hanging, if you will.
Now for the meat of the mystery. It seems that just before Warshak got caught with his hands in the cookie jar, there was talk of a new mascot being sought to replace Bob with the old proverbial "...we're going in a different direction" line. But, before all of that could happen, Bob apparently vanished.
How can you make an iconic figure as Smiling Bob merely go away? Where does one hide such an enormous figure in the world of advertising? Did Bob possess more than what was being let on?
Unverified stories show that actor John Larson has been reported missing or dead since June 12, 2008 apparently the victim of a boating accident off the coast of Martinique in the Carribbean. What we do know is that since that date, no one has heard nor seen Larson aside from this undated photo.

To this date, no one knows anything about the "accident" or just where Larson went. Moreover, there has been no word from any friends or family as to Larson's whereabouts. If he was alive, you would think a guy of his stature would certainly have found work doing something... anything. If he were dead, then you would certainly hear about that mystery somewhere on the air or on the internet. Very little exists in either place and if you paid any attention to the advertising campaign, there has been no new production including Smiling Bob in quite sometime. Even the usual internet conspiracy nuts are strangely silent on this one. Where's Geraldo when you really need him?
Gives one pause to think Smiling Bob was, perhaps, killed off in a more literal way. After all, Warshak had planned on renaming the company and finding a new spokespenis. Now, Warshak and his mom met the hands of justice in prison leaving behind an apparent wake of thousands of under-endowed American men. Not to mention one missing big guy last seen living large in the idyllic scenery off the coast of Martinique.
After the Feds did their duty to the Warshak empire, Enzyte somehow survived and is still going strong, after a new company acquired the brand and enacted a change in operating practices. Bolstered by the immortal image of Smiling Bob still coming through the late night TV airwaves. As for John Larson, we may never know the truth.
As for the complaining customers, remarkably very few of them bothered with getting a refund, settling instead with being born with a ding instead of a dong after the snake oil inventor and his mom went to prison and what may have been TV's greatest pitch man slipped under the waves of the beautiful blue Carribbean.
Stay tuned...
UPDATE: Since this piece continues to get so much traction, I felt it necessary to do some more research. Guess what? Most of what I wrote here (so long ago) is not accurate. Here's why. I hope this clears things up a bit. (Ric)
27 July 2009
Sell, sell, sell...
Being in the broadcast industry can be an interesting place to be. We make our living in the commercial world and we are often accused of being "sell-outs". Let's be honest here, I am somewhat of a whore when it comes to what I do for a living. Hey, it pays the bills. Whether I am singing the praises of a phone company, jewelry store, fuel additive, dog food, car dealers, pizza restaurants... the list is endless and I have gladly done them all.
That's what showbiz is all about. Making money anyway you can. Sure, I have my limits and now is not the time to go into all of that, but make no mistake, if the money is there, I'll shill for just about anybody.
One of my favorite TV shows has always been Hogan's Heroes. The Universal HD channel has the show now and on Monday's they run it all day long. It's a trip watching it again after all these years. It's amazing how much of the show I had forgotten over the years. Still though, it is fun to lose yourself in this strange world where just about everybody who was on this show is now dead. Richard Dawson and Robert Clary are still around.
Critics eventually rated the show as one of the 5 worst TV shows of all time. Despite the 3 emmy nominations and the 6 year run it enjoyed on CBS, it never jumped the shark. It remains as one of the most watchable shows on TV today. Kinda sad if you think about it...
...anyway, what does all this have to do with whoring out yourself in show business? Take a look a the video below.
I'm craving Dream Whip now.
Stay Tuned...
That's what showbiz is all about. Making money anyway you can. Sure, I have my limits and now is not the time to go into all of that, but make no mistake, if the money is there, I'll shill for just about anybody.
One of my favorite TV shows has always been Hogan's Heroes. The Universal HD channel has the show now and on Monday's they run it all day long. It's a trip watching it again after all these years. It's amazing how much of the show I had forgotten over the years. Still though, it is fun to lose yourself in this strange world where just about everybody who was on this show is now dead. Richard Dawson and Robert Clary are still around.
Critics eventually rated the show as one of the 5 worst TV shows of all time. Despite the 3 emmy nominations and the 6 year run it enjoyed on CBS, it never jumped the shark. It remains as one of the most watchable shows on TV today. Kinda sad if you think about it...
...anyway, what does all this have to do with whoring out yourself in show business? Take a look a the video below.
I'm craving Dream Whip now.
Stay Tuned...
15 July 2009
Has it been this long...
...since I updated this page? My God, where has the time gone? Well, a little update off the air.
Finally a little time off is in order since Bad Dog is having a hernia surgery. He'll be fine and his doctors suggest he'll be back to his ol' self within a few days. As for yours truly, there are a couple of projects in the works. The usual stuff around the house and the ongoing project with the Model A. I'll get some pics of that beast (when it's a bit more presentable) up here soon enough. Nevertheless, I should hope to use my time somewhat usefully although we all know the best laid plans...etc. Nevertheless, we'll be back on the air Monday. In the meantime, Brother Doug will be your bitch for a couple of days.
I was going to update, nay, jump for joy over the fact that my long personal nightmare with a certain government entity has finally concluded happily, however, I thought it best not to poke the bear with the stick by posting something overly snarky about this group here. Lord knows, I can lose my mind during a rant and find myself on the receiving end of more trouble and we would all be better if that never occurred.
In the meantime, I'll just a drift for a day or so and avoid most media as I try and unwind from the daily grind. I'll post something a little more substantial during the break as I will undoubtedly get into some sort of something. You know me...
Stay tuned.
Finally a little time off is in order since Bad Dog is having a hernia surgery. He'll be fine and his doctors suggest he'll be back to his ol' self within a few days. As for yours truly, there are a couple of projects in the works. The usual stuff around the house and the ongoing project with the Model A. I'll get some pics of that beast (when it's a bit more presentable) up here soon enough. Nevertheless, I should hope to use my time somewhat usefully although we all know the best laid plans...etc. Nevertheless, we'll be back on the air Monday. In the meantime, Brother Doug will be your bitch for a couple of days.
I was going to update, nay, jump for joy over the fact that my long personal nightmare with a certain government entity has finally concluded happily, however, I thought it best not to poke the bear with the stick by posting something overly snarky about this group here. Lord knows, I can lose my mind during a rant and find myself on the receiving end of more trouble and we would all be better if that never occurred.
In the meantime, I'll just a drift for a day or so and avoid most media as I try and unwind from the daily grind. I'll post something a little more substantial during the break as I will undoubtedly get into some sort of something. You know me...
Stay tuned.
27 June 2009
With Much Deliberation
I thought long and hard about this... Michael Jackson. His death is everywhere and I, at first, refused to include that in here. But just let me say this:
How can a man who paid $20 million to the family of a victim (and presumably the victim himself) to get out of a child molestation civil suit, have a history of said activity be considered some great thing? His fans baffle me.
The Catholic church has endured the same vilification over the centuries without one redeeming quality... at least none I think of. Yet, as Big Rick told me yesterday, if one can sing and dance and sell an ass load of records, that makes him immune to the accusations and his own actions.
I'm not saying MJ should rot in hell, that is for the Almighty to decide, what I am saying is even when your heroes stumble, you need to evaluate why they are your hero and just how far are going to look beyond their faults to continue that hero relationship.
When it was determined Roger Clemens may have been doping in baseball, my heart was broken. I loved watching that guy play ball. But if he truly did dope up and cheat at baseball, I hope they send him out. As for Barry Bonds, we'll get into that when the time is right.
But, back to MJ. the circus has rolled into town and the animals have been turned loose. This thing is going to be a sick moment in Americana and I, for one, am already sick of it... nevertheless, I'll be right in the thick of it as we watch the real weirdness unfold.
Stay tuned...
How can a man who paid $20 million to the family of a victim (and presumably the victim himself) to get out of a child molestation civil suit, have a history of said activity be considered some great thing? His fans baffle me.
The Catholic church has endured the same vilification over the centuries without one redeeming quality... at least none I think of. Yet, as Big Rick told me yesterday, if one can sing and dance and sell an ass load of records, that makes him immune to the accusations and his own actions.
I'm not saying MJ should rot in hell, that is for the Almighty to decide, what I am saying is even when your heroes stumble, you need to evaluate why they are your hero and just how far are going to look beyond their faults to continue that hero relationship.
When it was determined Roger Clemens may have been doping in baseball, my heart was broken. I loved watching that guy play ball. But if he truly did dope up and cheat at baseball, I hope they send him out. As for Barry Bonds, we'll get into that when the time is right.
But, back to MJ. the circus has rolled into town and the animals have been turned loose. This thing is going to be a sick moment in Americana and I, for one, am already sick of it... nevertheless, I'll be right in the thick of it as we watch the real weirdness unfold.
Stay tuned...
22 June 2009
Yeah, It's Hot
If you are getting a little hot outside, think of this simple little serene moment captured earlier this year.
For the record, I was as miserable then as I kinda am right now. I used to love the heat, I grew up in south Texas where winter is February 12th, for about an hour and a half. Unlike here where there are four distinctish seasons. But I have to remember that it "ain't the heat, it's the humidity." How true.
So, for all this talk of global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it, around here there is at least some change in the weather once we get around the other side of the sun. For the record, the Farmer's Almanac kind of predicted this heat, as you can see here. Most notably, June being 4 degrees above average. If you put your faith into this sort of thing, keep in mind, as of the posting of this, we're supposed to be seeing some scattered storms and what they call "seasonal" weather... whatever that means.
This goes on to say we should expect a normal July and August with June being the only month with a substantial increase in temperature. What does all this really mean?
It's hot as hell outside. Stay in the air conditioning.
10 June 2009
Going Ape over Mr. Rogers
When I was a youngster, like most kids my age, I spent some afternoon TV time with Mr. Rogers. He was one of the few bits of wholesome television I could tolerate. That was until Monty Python came on and my little world changed.
But back to the good Fred Rogers. Mr. Rogers calm way he carried on to the show everyday always brought some sense of relief, no matter how awkward he was. take this video, for example. Here's Mr. Rogers with Koko the signing gorilla. At one point during this video, it appears Koko will not let him go. She apparently liked Mr. Rogers. Maybe the way King Kong liked Ann Darrow. There is a sense of uneasiness while watching this, and to me at least, a certain bit of strange comfort. You know, the comfort you get while watching Fred Rogers in the clutches of a 400 pound gorilla.
I don't know about you, but when Koko grunts, I would have needed a change of pants.
But back to the good Fred Rogers. Mr. Rogers calm way he carried on to the show everyday always brought some sense of relief, no matter how awkward he was. take this video, for example. Here's Mr. Rogers with Koko the signing gorilla. At one point during this video, it appears Koko will not let him go. She apparently liked Mr. Rogers. Maybe the way King Kong liked Ann Darrow. There is a sense of uneasiness while watching this, and to me at least, a certain bit of strange comfort. You know, the comfort you get while watching Fred Rogers in the clutches of a 400 pound gorilla.
I don't know about you, but when Koko grunts, I would have needed a change of pants.
31 May 2009
A Dilemma
We live on a quiet street in midtown not terribly far from Cooper and Young. It's a nice street with nice people living in the area. We have nice neighbors. Very nice neighbors. The neighbors, over the weekend decided to have a little block party so we would all get to know each other and start a little phone list which I thought was a great idea. Most everyone on the block stopped by at the very least to say "hello".
Eventually, the conversation turned to a resident on the street whose son was recently released out of prison for what we think is a drug charge. He's living with his mom there on the street and there are some nervous feelings about this.
This guy will have his buddies drop by to hang on the front porch doing God knows what.
Well, that was precisely what was going on when another neighbor, who has a police officer for a son, got nervy. She called her son, who was on duty, to stop buy with his partners to hang for a bit on her porch. As you can imagine, the miscreants got worked up over this and eventually left. This prompted the kids' mother to have a chat with the other lady about the cops.
She chewed her out. Something to the effect of how dare you threaten these boys, etc., etc.
As it turns out, the boy has some sort of brain damage. Probably from the massive amount of crack he's been smoking and made a comment to the effect of, "I may have to get my gun." Of course, he never did and no one knows for sure whether or not he actually has one. And frankly, no one around here wants to find out for sure. Hence the dilemma.
Dude and his mom rent this duplex they live in and conversations have taken place with their landlord allowing us to know that they don't really pay any rent and the old landlord hasn't kicked them out yet. Something along the lines of, "We haven't found a place to move to yet." Although the old guy who rents this place to them told me they were leaving.
Something is going to happen around here if they don't go. I can see my neighbors now, like the scene in Frankenstein when the villagers come out with pitchforks and torches and run this family out. Probably way better than the scene in High Noon when there's a shootout in the street. Either way, the landlord is the real douchebag for not doing anything about this idiot.
Maybe we'll win the lottery so I can buy this property out from under the old man and bulldoze the thing. Oh well, at least I can dream about a time when there are no brain damaged, gun wielding maniacs living in the neighborhood, can't I?
Se la vie...
Eventually, the conversation turned to a resident on the street whose son was recently released out of prison for what we think is a drug charge. He's living with his mom there on the street and there are some nervous feelings about this.
This guy will have his buddies drop by to hang on the front porch doing God knows what.
Well, that was precisely what was going on when another neighbor, who has a police officer for a son, got nervy. She called her son, who was on duty, to stop buy with his partners to hang for a bit on her porch. As you can imagine, the miscreants got worked up over this and eventually left. This prompted the kids' mother to have a chat with the other lady about the cops.
She chewed her out. Something to the effect of how dare you threaten these boys, etc., etc.
As it turns out, the boy has some sort of brain damage. Probably from the massive amount of crack he's been smoking and made a comment to the effect of, "I may have to get my gun." Of course, he never did and no one knows for sure whether or not he actually has one. And frankly, no one around here wants to find out for sure. Hence the dilemma.
Dude and his mom rent this duplex they live in and conversations have taken place with their landlord allowing us to know that they don't really pay any rent and the old landlord hasn't kicked them out yet. Something along the lines of, "We haven't found a place to move to yet." Although the old guy who rents this place to them told me they were leaving.
Something is going to happen around here if they don't go. I can see my neighbors now, like the scene in Frankenstein when the villagers come out with pitchforks and torches and run this family out. Probably way better than the scene in High Noon when there's a shootout in the street. Either way, the landlord is the real douchebag for not doing anything about this idiot.
Maybe we'll win the lottery so I can buy this property out from under the old man and bulldoze the thing. Oh well, at least I can dream about a time when there are no brain damaged, gun wielding maniacs living in the neighborhood, can't I?
Se la vie...
27 May 2009
TV News
Those who know me, know of my past in the television news industry. Those same people will tell what I think about the television news industry. For those of you who don't know, and not to put too fine a point on it, it sucks. As it is said, "It ain't what it used to be."
Self-centered reporters giving about one third of the truth on something that has NO relevance to you at the time. Making the story about themselves. Exaggeration. Indictments. It's all there and those are just some of the reasons why I don't watch it. TV news has a tendency to piss me off. Ed Murrow once said of television, "... this instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely lights and wires in a box."
When I was cutting my TV teeth at WTVA in Tupelo, Mississippi, I struck up a life long friendship with a man named Tom Dees. He was a photographer there and a damn good one at that. We spent a few years working together there uncovering all sorts of ugliness and "news worthy" things. To make a long story short, the day came when I left for greener pastures and Tom moved to the other side of the camera and became a great reporter.
Dees has since moved to Memphis and can be seen on Fox 13. He's been here for many years and he's easily the best interviewer in the business and has a certain knack for getting the best out of his subjects as the following video shows. He blames me for that. On a side note here: It's his fault I'm in Memphis, so there. We're even. Yet another long yarn for later.
Anyway, he has been able to do something I could never do in my brief TV career. He's an award winning TV guy and after some two Emmy awards later, Tom is putting together a great career in an otherwise slimy business. I give you the following example of one of his latest stories:
This, in my opinion is how TV news should be done. I think I smell another Emmy for Tom Dees... the bastard.
Nice job, Tom... "Good night and good luck."
Self-centered reporters giving about one third of the truth on something that has NO relevance to you at the time. Making the story about themselves. Exaggeration. Indictments. It's all there and those are just some of the reasons why I don't watch it. TV news has a tendency to piss me off. Ed Murrow once said of television, "... this instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely lights and wires in a box."
When I was cutting my TV teeth at WTVA in Tupelo, Mississippi, I struck up a life long friendship with a man named Tom Dees. He was a photographer there and a damn good one at that. We spent a few years working together there uncovering all sorts of ugliness and "news worthy" things. To make a long story short, the day came when I left for greener pastures and Tom moved to the other side of the camera and became a great reporter.
Dees has since moved to Memphis and can be seen on Fox 13. He's been here for many years and he's easily the best interviewer in the business and has a certain knack for getting the best out of his subjects as the following video shows. He blames me for that. On a side note here: It's his fault I'm in Memphis, so there. We're even. Yet another long yarn for later.
Anyway, he has been able to do something I could never do in my brief TV career. He's an award winning TV guy and after some two Emmy awards later, Tom is putting together a great career in an otherwise slimy business. I give you the following example of one of his latest stories:
This, in my opinion is how TV news should be done. I think I smell another Emmy for Tom Dees... the bastard.
Nice job, Tom... "Good night and good luck."
Update: Horn Lake Lights
Eddie Middleton was on this morning to give us the FAA explanation behind the below video. They say that the lights are actually FedEx planes lining up for landing. I live in the flight line of the airport and I can tell you, those planes line up in 2 minute intervals, so it seems to me that the FAA's explanation is hooey.
Our thanks to Eddie and for the head's up... so to speak.
Update II:
The link that was there regarding Rense was pulled since it is, in fact, anti-semitic. Thanks for the comment post hipping me to this nonsense. I was trying to post information regarding the sighting and I did it without pre-screening the link. My apologies. I personally don't condone any hate speech even though it is a fundemental right of Americans to have free speech. I just don't want that stuff here.
Frankly, Eddie should be ashamed of himself for associating himself with that stupid website.
Our thanks to Eddie and for the head's up... so to speak.
Update II:
The link that was there regarding Rense was pulled since it is, in fact, anti-semitic. Thanks for the comment post hipping me to this nonsense. I was trying to post information regarding the sighting and I did it without pre-screening the link. My apologies. I personally don't condone any hate speech even though it is a fundemental right of Americans to have free speech. I just don't want that stuff here.
Frankly, Eddie should be ashamed of himself for associating himself with that stupid website.
26 May 2009
Horn Lake Lights
Eddie Middleton emailed this into the show this morning and we never got to it on the air. Eddie is part of the UFO investigation team for the mid-south and a colleague of his captured this video. According to the email that was sent to us, last Thursday (21 May) around 10:30PM, some lights were seen over Horn Lake. Helicopters then flew into the area. Apparently, three more lights appear under the helicopters. There is some language on this video, so if you are reading this at work, be aware.
25 May 2009
Memorial Day
This is one of those rare three day weekends. At least for those of us who have jobs. At 4:30AM I was wide awake and ready to head to work without the benefit of the alarm clock going off... that was appreciated. This tells me in 24 hours It'll be hell actually getting up to go to work. But to be honest, I'm looking forward to getting back on the air. Maybe it's the short week ahead.
But today is a free day. Sort of. There are a couple of projects that must be done around the house and with an eye to the weather, we'll actually see if the grill sees fire today. If not... we'll wing it. The bar is stocked enough for the day and with NASCAR being rained out yesterday, we have today to watch.
But today is a free day. Sort of. There are a couple of projects that must be done around the house and with an eye to the weather, we'll actually see if the grill sees fire today. If not... we'll wing it. The bar is stocked enough for the day and with NASCAR being rained out yesterday, we have today to watch.
22 May 2009
It's come to this
Yes... with the all the bitching and wrangling with the simple issue of privacy, it has indeed come to this, a blog. Away from the comfy confines of Rock 103, this is my way of releasing some of the stuff that happens off the air, hence the name of this blog. Not that it matters much, there were some requests from the faithful followers of the show that I venture into the world of Facebook or MySpace. Neither of which really appealed to me. But there appears to be some sort of interest of off air activities that "should be shared" and thus, this.
So, here's the deal... an agreement, if you will. You agree to deal with the occasional ramble in this blog and in exchange, I'll agree to answer (as best I can) any questions you might have regarding the job and other such inquiries.
What should be fun for all of us is that here I can expand a bit on the things we did, or as the case may be, did NOT do in the air. Yes, there is a blog at Rock 103's website which contains some "show prep" material for further reading but here, we should be able to delve deeper into the topic of the day and more. So, let's have some fun, shall we?
In the meantime, if you are on the Twitter, I can be followed there. The plan is to use Twitter during the show and I'll post there when I have updated here, ya dig?
So, here's the deal... an agreement, if you will. You agree to deal with the occasional ramble in this blog and in exchange, I'll agree to answer (as best I can) any questions you might have regarding the job and other such inquiries.
What should be fun for all of us is that here I can expand a bit on the things we did, or as the case may be, did NOT do in the air. Yes, there is a blog at Rock 103's website which contains some "show prep" material for further reading but here, we should be able to delve deeper into the topic of the day and more. So, let's have some fun, shall we?
In the meantime, if you are on the Twitter, I can be followed there. The plan is to use Twitter during the show and I'll post there when I have updated here, ya dig?
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