29 September 2009

Hello, Again.

Sorry, it has been awhile. Sometimes the pursuit of the general things in life can get in the way of something as soulfully important as updating this blog. I was hanging with the Dalai Lama, for crying out loud. No, seriously. The circus surrounding His Holiness' visit to our fair city had taken, at least in my mind, a certain place in the order of things. Think about it, update the blog or spend some time thinking about more important things with one of the most influential people on the planet?

We went to see him at the convention center and it was a great experience even though our esteemed Mayor introduced himself with a fist bump and, "Hello, Dalai." (No joke.) He had claimed he got permission from the Tibetan officials to do that, however, I have it on my own authority (and forever unnamed sources) that he was NEVER given permission to address him in the manner of which he did. I consider this whole scenario nothing more than yet another example of why we can never have anything nice when any politician shows up.

Well, speaking of deep subjects, and in a strange way, bridging a strange gap between the Dalai Lama and other really cool things, I found this little gem on the web featuring another super guy. (Two of them, actually) In a fantastically creative use of the auto-tuner and some old video, let me introduce to you Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking in something so hypnotic it may make you ponder your own existence in this vast universe.

Now, think for a moment... and Stay Tuned...