14 January 2011

Playing It Safe In The 40's

After dropping Facebook, I do find myself wanting to look at other ways of retro-organizing my life. However, this may be going a bit too far. Perhaps this would be a decent idea in our current litigious environment. It could be adapted and re-written and most assuredly would stand up in court.  Click for bigger image.

Just imagine getting caught carrying around a few of these... already filled out.

Stay Tuned...

13 January 2011

Goodbye Facebook

No, they aren't going anywhere, sadly. But I did. I just deleted my account.

Why? I'll tell you. But I warn you, it isn't pretty.

There has not been one thing of interest to me personally since I signed up for the damn thing. Granted, there are some "friends" there who are truly my friends. The cool thing about them is that they know how to get in touch with me in other ways, you know, like dialing a phone or at the very least, sending a text message. Besides, they all know my email address(es).

I know that there are those who are fans of the Bad Dog and Ric show who perhaps, felt a connection to the show through that page. I'm sorry if you did. I probably let you down anyway since I never posted pictures of what I was having for dinner (since food never photographs very well), I never alerted the Facebook world when I was heading to the bathroom, I am also rather proud of the fact that I never felt the urge to post links to videos of bands I like (much less the lyrics).

Seems to me that was sort of a waste. That's what this page is all about.

Perhaps I never felt as though I needed to burden all those people who were my Facebook friends with the things I like.

To me, life is about experiences. If I choose to share those, I do here. Not in simple and snarky liners to be digested so quickly. I am aware, that I might inadvertently offend some of you Facebook people with that sort of thinking and I'll have you know, that is NOT my intention.

In my way of thinking, scaling back can be a good thing. I have this page and I will be maintaining my Twitter account and post here and there more frequently. (Hopefully!)

So, in short... goodbye Facebook. Betty White was right, "Facebook is a huge waste of time."

At least it was for me.

Stay Tuned...