31 July 2016

Paying The Dues

That is something you have probably heard a million times. For some people, they think there are all sorts of shortcuts to success in show business. The fact of the matter is simply this, there aren't. It takes a lot of very hard work and time to make it in this world. That is what paying the dues is all about.

So, what is the actual cost of paying one's dues? I'll tell you and it ain't pretty.

Plus music from Heels.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Here's the video version (no music):

NEXT WEEK: No one has time for your damned hobby. Plus music from Thomas Jackson Orchestra.

Stay tuned...

24 July 2016

The Scourge of The Internet Famous

There are some pretty remarkable things out here on the internet. Take YouTube, for example. There is veritable cornucopia of "entertaining" people just on that one site. Notice how I wrote "entertaining" there? It's in quotes. I did that because these people consider themselves to be "entertainers". Sadly, they are not.

Like anything else out there in the world, there is no real shortcut to success. It takes an incredible amount of hard work and effort to become something. Show business is no exception. You have to use your natural abilities along with proper training to do anything well.

But I have a question. Since when did a video of a guy microwaving a piece of bread become so damn popular?

Plus, music from Every Mother's Nightmare.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Here's the video version (minus the music):

 NEXT WEEK: Pay for play. It's everywhere and music from Heels.

Stay tuned...

17 July 2016

Everyone, Out Of The Pool

There is no argument the broadcast industry is messed up. Terrestrial radio is on the ropes. It would appear no one is listening. They aren't able to make the money they used to and this has created a void.

This void is being filled by people who think they are broadcasters. The problem is, they aren't. And this is causing all sorts of issues within the industry.

It isn't pretty, but here is the truth.

Plus, music from Anthony Anthamatten & The Talented F'n Maniacs.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Here's the video version.

NEXT WEEK: The Scourge of The Internet Famous and music from Every Mother's Nightmare.

Stay tuned...

10 July 2016

A Generation of Morons

It has been said that adults are nothing more than children with mortgages. Apparently, being an adult is hard work. For some of you, it is down right impossible. Of course, people have been saying this very thing about the newest crop of adults every generation. Some things never change.

However, I truly believe we are living among true idiots. Clueless on the ways of the world with very little desire to learn the simple nuances it takes to being an adult. Sure, being an adult is hard. For some it is really difficult and it has become sad to see but incredibly amusing to watch.

Plus, music from Chees Kees.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Here's the video version. No music.

NEXT WEEK: Everyone, out of the pool. Music from Anthony Anthamatten & The Talented F'n Maniacs.

Stay tuned...

03 July 2016

Five Years In

Yup, it has been five years. Five years ago Radio Memphis hit the air... or the web... or the fan... however you would want to describe it's debut. It was a rough start. Since then, we learned a lot. We've had our setbacks and our gains. We grew a bunch and have reached into new territory. In short, it's been a hell of a ride so far and it only gets better.

Also, 125 weeks ago, this show debuted. Frankly it was originally designed to simply promote the radio station. It has certainly done that. However it has taken on a life of its own. This is a good thing and it is quite the joy (for me at least) to produce and release to everyone who has subscribed to this show.

In this episode I take a look back over those years and talk a bit about what lies ahead. Plus, music from La Pistola from the album Los Federales de Rock and Roll.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: How to act like an adult. Plus Cheez Kees.

Stay tuned...