26 February 2017

The Seduction of the Microphone

In all of the years I have been in this business, I have never seen anything more strange than the power a humble microphone can have over people. It can do a lot of things to people, actually. But, one of the more fascinating things it has is this thing it does to some people psychologically. It's not pretty either.

"I have been told by a lot of people that I have a good voice for radio."

That may be true, but you certainly don't have the mental issues you need to actually do this.

Plus music from Shame Finger.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Asking yourself the tough questions. Plus music from Objekt 12.

Stay tuned...

19 February 2017

Up A Certain Stream Without A Paddle

If it is one thing I have been blessed to be a part of, is that I have absolutely enjoyed having a front row seat to this current change in digital media. Watching AM become irrelevant practically overnight has been a delight. As for FM, this is like watching ineptitude at it's peak. The world is racing by and these stuffed suits over there in terrestrial radio are STILL trying to convince the public at large that they still matter.

Whatever, dude.

Plus in this episode, music from The Candy Company.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: The seduction of the microphone.

Stay tuned...

12 February 2017

Snakes In My Bushes

It happens to all of us, really. Just more so for those of us in the entertainment industry. There is ALWAYS someone lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on whatever good little thing you have created and what you are laying out to the general public. That's a given.

But there is someone worse. That is the person who claims they are ASSOCIATED with you in some sort of capacity because of the work you have done. Famous or not, it is a giant pain in the ass and this where the title of this episode comes from. The reason? They are NEVER to be trusted. Bastards...

Plus music from Capgun.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Upstream without a paddle. Plus music from The Candy Company.

Stay tuned...

05 February 2017

Scheduling Conflict

It's been three years. Three years of From Radioland. We have seen a lot and we certainly have discussed a lot over the three years. Yet, for the first time in our history (of this show) I have found a topic of which I will not be covering any further. The reasoning about it may seem odd at first coming from me, but it makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Also this time out, the tools existing to make your personal productivity smarter are everywhere. They are free and they are very useful. As much as I want to use them, for some reason I can't bring myself to use them as they should be used. It's as if I don't have the time to schedule something.

Plus, music from HEELS.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: GFY and music from Capgun.

Stay tuned...