30 April 2017

The Cult of Personality

InfoWars host and strange person Alex Jones recently lost a custody trial due to his ex-wife and her lawyers successfully argued that the way he is on the air is exactly the way he is when he is off. In other words, bat-shit crazy.

It points to a unique facet of the entertainment business. Just who are these people and what is the difference between who they are on air as opposed to when they are off.

Short answer, very different people.

Plus music from Brandon Santini.

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NEXT WEEK: Mommy Con and music from Heather Bond.

Stay tuned...

23 April 2017

The Sign Says "Closed"

For a while now, we'd been looking at the deep impact the internet has had on all sorts of things. I know, these past few weeks have turned into some sort of series along those lines. This is the last part of that. Everyone has been talking about this, too. That is how retail stores are dying a horrible death.

But, I don't think everything will go away. I mean, there are some things you just can't get over the web.

Plus music from Al Kapone.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: The cult of personality plus music from Brandon Santini.

Stay tuned...

16 April 2017

FM Sucks

Pretty blatant statement that I think most of you agree with. At least those I talk to seem to be repeating at every conversation. In what has become a series of episodes examining the impact of the internet on all things in our society, media is certainly one of those things.

The problem here is the corporate stiffs have no clue how to adapt to this brave new media world.

Plus music from Davis Coen.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: It's like a Shakespearean tragedy. Plus music from Al Kapone.

Stay tuned...

09 April 2017

Stop The Presses

Seriously, go ahead and turn them off. Here in Memphis, the local newspaper went through an evolutionary process that seems all too familiar. Cutting their way into prosperity. At least, that is one way to look at what happened. But it points to the big elephant in the room.

That being the internet.

Plus music from Dory Drive.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: The battle on the air no one is paying attention to. also music from Davis Coen.

Stay tuned...

02 April 2017

The NAB is Wrong

Like many other industries, broadcasters have a lobby group. And like many lobby groups, they are in the dark about the industry they are supposed to work for. The National Association of Broadcasters is one such group.

For some reason, someone at the NAB thought I should be added to their mailing list. Considering, the NAB only represents AM/FM terrestrial broadcasters, I clearly don't need to be a part of this thing. Nor would I want to be.

Their annual convention is coming up later this month and guess who got an invite.

Plus music from Chinese Connection Dub Embassy.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Stop the presses. No, seriously. Turn them off. Plus music from Dory Drive.

Stay tuned...