30 May 2017

You Ain't Got It, Kid

In the circles I run in, there are those I encounter (thankfully rarely) people who think they are God's greatest gift to show business. These are people who claim some sort of fame for nothing. Trust me, you don't know them. Yet, if you met one of these people you know it immediately. People who claim to be in "the biz" without paying their dues.

It's sad, actually. But there is one thing about these people, they are absolutely insufferable.

Plus music from Oliveria.

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NEXT WEEK: The reason this episode was delivered late? A weather delay, of all things. Plus music from Donnell London.

Stay tuned...

21 May 2017

All Hail The Morons

What is it with us? Why do we continually place certain people in positions of authority when clearly, they have no reason to be anywhere near there? The President not withstanding, mind you. But we do have some crazy notion that we, as a society must fill the need to be led, governed, scolded by, directed by morons.

They are everywhere and I do not suffer these fools lightly. In fact, I have lost sleep over this very thing.

Plus music from Bluff City Backsliders.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Fake show business people and music from Oliveria.

Stay tuned...

14 May 2017

Mistakes Were Made

Part of my experience in this business was spent at Clear Channel Communications. That is now known as I Heart Media. Apparently, it is about to be known as Out of Business. To be fair, we saw this coming more recently. Farther back in time we suspected if the company didn't do anything more smart than what they were doing, the end was inevitable.

That apparently has come. The end is near. Like, the end of this month near.

Plus music from Her Majesty's Buzz.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Morons. Plus music from The Bluff City Backsliders.

Stay tuned...

07 May 2017

O Mother, Where Art Thou?

You read that right and it all become crystal clear very soon. There was a convention here in Memphis a couple of weeks ago. It was kind of disturbing. But wait, put down your pitchforks and torches. I get it, there are conventions for every thing in the world you might have an interest in. Remember, if there is something in the collective of enough people, there is a magazine and a convention about that thing.

No, I did not attend this thing. Nor would I have ANY inclination to attend such a thing.

Plus music from Heather Bond.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: There is a large company in the midst of its death throes and very few are talking about what is happening. But I will. Plus music from Her Majesty's Buzz.

Stay tuned...