24 September 2017

A Sense of Worth

Don't misunderstand me, this has nothing to do with ego. Okay, maybe a little. But not mine. Yours. It seems to me, at least, as soon as we think we have everything figured out, everything changes.

The best part about that? It's a good thing. For me, at least.

Your mileage may vary.

Plus music from J.D. Reager

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Ancient history, around the time of planking. Plus music from Mark Edgar Stewart.

Stay tuned...

17 September 2017

Judgemental Bastard

Here's fun little game to play. What is your price? What would make you cross a line you have drawn in the sand? Is it money? How much?

That's part of the gist behind this episode.

Another part is exploring just how judgemental we all are and the consequences of such actions.

Plus music from Fresh Flesh.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: A sense of worth. Plus music from J.D. Reager.

Stay tuned...

10 September 2017

That Guy Has Become a Problem

Borrowing from the Radio Memphis in The Morning bit, How Not To Be That Guy, I seem to have a problem with what some people are actually doing our here in the real world. What started out as a simple observation of some of the silly and harmless, yet stupid things people do ever once in a while has become what seems to be standard unapologetic behavior.

Which begs the question, has there always been the same percentage of people in our society that are That Guy or is it we just see more of them?

Plus music from Every Mother's Nightmare.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: Judge, Jury & Executioner. Plus music from Fresh Flesh.

Stay tuned...

03 September 2017

Things Fall Apart

Aside from being the title of a great book, this episode is in reference to what seems to be happening among the internet famous. They are falling apart in a very public way. Frankly, I am amused. But the reality is they are having a real crisis because the pressures of show business being what they are. They are complaining about the difficulties of creating valid content on a weekly basis and their incessant quest for more likes and validation from their public. Not to mention the negative responses from people which the internet famous call "hurtful". Tough shit, bitch.

Plus music from Low Society.

Download this episode (right click and save)

NEXT WEEK: That Guy. Plus music from Every Mother's Nightmare.

Stay tuned...