31 May 2020

The New Normal

Change is an issue and it is never easy to cope with the inevitable. When something like a pandemic occurs or the other social issues we all face these days, coming through the other side expecting anything to be the way it was before all of these events is a pipe dream. 

We will never be the same after all of this is said and done. That is just a simple fact. The other simple fact, is there will be a select number of people in our society who will reject the first fact. We tried this in 2016 and the results have been nothing short of disastrous. 

In this episode, Ric casts a jaundiced eye at what the future holds for our society and what we as individuals could probably look forward to once the storm of a pandemic passes. Also in this episode, the aftermath of laryngitis even if it was fun sounding like Batman. Plus, a computer tip.

NEXT WEEK: You Can Always Go Home, But You Can Never Go Back

24 May 2020

Connection Interrupted

Being connected seems to be bringing about all sorts of innovative tech. All of it is designed to keep you on the platform you are using it from. Be it Facebook, Twitter or Google, none of those companies want you to go anywhere else. As consumers, we certainly do have a bunch of options when it comes to this sort of thing and that can be good. 

Some you pay for (Zoom) and others are free (Facebook & Google). But how would you define "free". Also, as cool as it is to have this technology in your hands, is it really something we all need? Is anybody actually any good at using this stuff? Does it really matter? In theory, you could answer all those questions with a "no". 

Plus, Ric has been in the studio quite a bit this past week. Along with all the extra work he has picked up and the usual slate of shows, his voice is going out. It's the return of the dreaded laryngitis. But he will tell you all about the other things he has on his plate as well.

NEXT WEEK: The New Normal


17 May 2020

Semper Pie & Meal Team Six

We are all getting weary of this pandemic, it seems. The truth is, we are weary from the coverage of the pandemic. There is a very loud minority of people out there who feel they are being put upon by having to stay at home or having to wear a mask when they go out in public. 

These people are going out to protest and they are doing so with assault rifles and are agitating an already nervous population. On top of this, we are getting information about the pandemic from so many different sources that it seems no one on the right page. One group says this and the other says that and both are pointing fingers at someone else. 

You would think all of this energy could be directed at something constructive like, trying to contain Covid-19. In this episode, Ric is exhausted and we may not even be closer to the end of this situation. It's all a matter of trying to get the madness to stop.



NEXT WEEk: Connection Interrupted

10 May 2020

The Conspiracy of Reality

The longer this whole virus sticks around, the more the conspiracy theorists will have to ply their trade. Frankly, it's got rather nauseating. Some of the things being shoved down people's throats are about as ludacris as one could imagine. The latest was the video that was going around on social media purporting all sorts of wild theories. The difference was this thing was packaged around a rather benign statement and it got a LOT of traction. 

After it was thoroughly debunked by proper scientists (and others), thankfully it was removed. But the whole situation did point out something sort of alarming, the gullibility of people who refuse to believe or understand Occam's Razor. In this episode, Ric will explain all of that and what may give rise to the Conspiraciologist.

NEXT WEEK: Safety VS Greed


03 May 2020

What, Too Soon?

For some sadistic reason, Memphis reversed its course with Covid-19 and decided to phase in a reopening plan. This has done nothing more than split the city right down the middle. About half the restaurants and businesses here want to go ahead and reopen.

The other half, not so much. As it has been said, the more prudent of those business owners have said something along the lines of, "The safety of my staff and customers is worth more than the sale of a sandwich." In this episode, Ric takes another look at what a post-pandemic world holds for all of us. He'll also layout the trail for you to follow which seems to lead straight back to simple greed.

Also in this episode, Ric elaborates on that pic he shared on his instagram page.

NEXT WEEK: Giant hornets, heavy hurricanes AND a continuing pandemic.