30 August 2020

Meme Me

Those ubiquitous posts the internet version of a cartoon from the Sunday paper (back when they were a thing), the picture with the funny text that isn't all that funny that gets shared and "stolen". The Meme. Most of them have a lifespan of about 3 hours. 

After that, they turn into most things on the internet, disposable content. In this episode Ric delves into the concept. Did you know there are some legal ramifications to the genre of the meme? 

Also, Ric has a rundown of all the things he's involved in plus a new Drinking with Dead People and another YouTube show drops this week.

NEXT WEEK: The Rock & Roll Biopic


23 August 2020

The Cost of Free Entertainment

 It's the age old question, should entertainment be free? How much advertisement justifies a free show? How much should one pay for advertisement free content? All these questions are basically answered with what the market can bear and what the patience is of the audience. 

There is quite a bit to unpack with this topic especially these days. People spending more time dealing with streaming content are trying to figure out the balance between needing to be entertained and with what discretionary income to pay for such things. 

Also in this episode, Ric visits a Covid-19 overflow ward. 


16 August 2020

Video Killed The Internet Star

 It is arguable whether The Buggles were anywhere near correct. To be fair, Viacom killed MTV, so there is that. Anyway, all the talk of Tik-Tok and other such video outlets has now led all of us down an interesting time line. 

First, there was Periscope, then along came Vine, Facebook video was coming along and now there is Instagram Reels. There is something they all have in common. First, they are all platforms for disposable video and the second is that they are not YouTube. Big differences here. 

In this episode, Ric takes you down this timeline and looks at the one psychological thing that is driving all of these platforms.

NEXT WEEK: Subscription Serviced Entertainment


09 August 2020

Facebook Jesus

 There are churches out there who are deeply concerned with their current business model. Thanks to the pandemic, attendance is down by a large amount as people continue with social distancing. Yes, there are some religious institutions out there who are embracing digital platforms, but by and large, many are not. In this episode, Ric gets a little snarky with this idea of trying to run a church in a cashless society. He have exposed more than meets the eye on this enlightened episode.

NEXT WEEK: Disposable Video Platforms

02 August 2020

Shaving With Occam's Razor

In a time where we are flooded with news, opinion and terrible perspectives, we increasingly find ourselves dealing with the dearth of conspiracy theories. It seems, the more ridiculous the theory, the more notoriety it seems to get. 

Why is this? Why can't people simply accept the facts of any story as being the cause, root and solution to any issue being thrust upon society at large? In this episode, Ric takes a look at why these things seem to be getting worse and worse and what can be done to not necessarily stop the flow of false news, but at least what anyone can do to understand all this foolishness. 

NEXT WEEK: Our Lady of The Holy Browser