15 March 2011

All Good Things...

... Come to and end.  Bad Dog used to tell me when someone in the house broke something, his mother would say, "This is why we can't have nice things."  I know the feeling.  Somebody broke something.

Since February 25, my life got turned upside down.  Here I was, looking forward to 2011.  So many prospects lay before us all.  Bad Dog beating leukemia, the show getting better (which it was) and many other things that come to mind as the new year gets underway.  Then, the bottom fell out.  When I was fired, Bad Dog was pissed.  Very angry.  Then, not two weeks later (March 10th), he was gone.  The following Saturday (March 12th), I got word from my family that my sister's husband, Allen had passed.  He too was 55 but had been battling Alzheimer's.

I told my wife that all of this at one time was almost too much for one man to bear.  I've certainly had my ups and downs and all of this has seemed to happen so fast.  To be honest, accepting all of this has not been very easy on everyone else either.  I have heard from so many of you the sadness you feel.  I continue to be humbled by your words. 

Just the other day I was in a store when a fan of the show approached me and shook my hand.  He said he was speechless and felt bad about the whole situation.  I thanked him and said that I too was speechless and felt bad.  What else do you say when these things happen like this? 

What makes this thing unique, from my perspective at least, was that I was caught up in a storm that I neither caused, nor had control over.  Yet so many emotional things have been said, both positive and negative about it all.  I may had been told that I was now the "odd man out" but, as I have learned over the recent days, I was actually quite the opposite as so many of you have been so inclusive to me.  For that, I can never have the right words to express my gratitude. 

We lost a great man with Bad Dog.  We lost, what Bad Dog and I thought (as apparently most you thought) was a good show.  And I lost a great brother-in-law in Allen.  So many people have been hurt by these things that it can become almost too much to bear.  But we persevere, heads held high and being able to count who are true friends are.  And thankfully, those numbers have been many.

Things will get better, they always do.  "This too shall pass."  My mother keeps telling me.  There will never be a replacement for Bad Dog or Allen, however, I might be able to replace that show with something new someday. Hopefully, here in Memphis where once again we'll play records and tell a few jokes and occasionally reminisce about Bad Dog.

The next step in all of this is happening now.  I am being asked what my plans are.  To be honest with you, I have no idea.  As I mentioned before, things have moved pretty quickly so far.  There's no telling what may come around the next turn.  Whatever it is, I will be sure to let you all know.  In the meantime, stick around.  I'll be here for the foreseeable future and somewhere along the way, my sense of humor should start to return.  Assuming of course, I actually had one to begin with.  Feel free to drop me a line here, or by email or on Twitter or if you happen to run into me in public somewhere, I'd love to shake your hand.  We'll commiserate together.  It's easier that way.

Stay Tuned...


  1. Ric, I truly have no words to express to you, because I am truly so sorry for all you are going through right now. Please know that you and Jo are in my thoughts and prayers...Marsha Chance

  2. Its been almost a week and I still can't believe it. I really don't know what to say either. All that is know is that I have this overwhelming sadness when i think of all that has happened in the past few weeks. I am not just blowing smoke up your butt, but this show that they are running in the mornings is just stupid. I have tried to listen to it but it just don't find it funny. I kept thinking this is not going to work out and they will put you two back on in the morning. Then reality hits and I realize it will never be the same no matter what. I keep going over in my head that just the day before on the way home i was listening to him. It is just so hard to fathom it all. I think you were totally screwed over. I am so sorry about your brother in law. I am sure you are feeling like you have been hit by a truck that ran over you and backed up and hit you again a couple of times. I hope it all works for you and you get to stay in the Memphis area. I'm sure you don't remember me but I did meet you one time. My friend Linda used to live right across the street from you and one time we were walking back from Cafe Ole and you and your wife and beautiful dogs were out there. Keep us posted. Lisa

  3. Ric - it broke my heart when the morning show was no more. And those pieces shattered when hearing of Bad Dog passing on. And what miniscule shatters were left after that just disenergrated when hearing of your brother-in-law. I can't express enough how much you are missed, respected, and thought of these days. Wishing you comfort during these times and strength to help you through it. I know there are so many of us that look forward to hearing you on-air again very soon!

  4. I am a fan of yours and of course of bad dogs too. When you were fired it shook my mornings foundations as I refused to ever listen to ROCK103 again. Now this. Bad dog was a great dude in all aspects. He will be missed in this world and over the airs. You will be missed by me over the air too man. It has sucked not hearing your voice in the mornings dude And I mean that in a very hetero way

  5. Ric. I'm so sorry for all that has happened. I live here in Pa. and I thought it was a damn good show. Made me laugh while I was at work listening on my headphones at the nuclear power plant. John will be missed and can never be replaced. I hope his boys are doing ok. I'm sure he was a great dad to them. Thanks for the laughs that you two supplied. Keep us informed on how your doing. Good luck. Don MacCauley

  6. Just like everyone here has said, Sorry to hear about what you are going through. You and Bad Dog made my mornings and I also enjoyed listening to you on my drive home in the evenings with Dennis. I really hope that I get to hear you again soon because now my mornings suck because FBHW is awful. Start up your own morning show over the internet. God be with you and your wife, from, Mississippi!

  7. Love you babe!!
    Cathy Dees

  8. Still waiting to hear you on the air...I can't wait. Jennie Thomas

  9. I can't tell you how much I miss you and John. Most mornings I heard the voice of one or both of you before I heard my husband's voice. We haven't turned on Rock 103 since the morning you weren't there. We've found a station that the music wakes us up but we turn it off once we're up. I look forward to hearing your voice over the air one day soon.
