In light of the recent viral FaceApp thing which was hot for a minute, came news about how nefarious this thing could be. Almost immediately there were reports of how the app designers were a Russian company bent on snagging data from the app's users.
Which begs the question, how come there is all this talk about giving up your privacy and almost everyone is leary of doing that but, when it comes to something fun to do with a picture, these same people willingly give up all their privacy to see the gimmick? Remember, there is nothing free out there.
Sure, the app doesn't cost you a single penny. But, there is a cost and you likely paid handsomely for it. In this episode, Ric takes a look at the terms of service of the FaceApp as well as a cautionary look at other things out there. Also, some of the best ideas never get used. Instead, we are stuck with self checkout.
NEXT WEEK: FM as Zombieland
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