27 September 2020

A Fresh Coat of Paint

 Sometimes you have to look at your surroundings and hope to come to the realization that some things have to change. That is the conclusion Ric has come to about this From Radioland. Across the podcast landscape, there are so many shows out there that get stale. Some start out that way with nary a change. 

Keeping it fresh is something that kind of has to happen from time to time. This show is not immune to that obviously. In the past six and a half years, From Radioland has undergone all sorts of change. It's all part of the evolutionary process. 

In this episode, Ric tells you a bit about just what changes are coming and what exactly led to his decision.

NEXT WEEK: Organizing a Sh!t Show

20 September 2020

The Post Pandemic Panic

 Of course we are nowhere near a post pandemic situation, but that doesn't stop Ric from taking a look at how some things in our world will change from all of this. Specifically, the change coming from the world of media. We have certainly seen a change in the way certain things are covered and there has been a rise in all sorts of fake news. 

But if it is one thing people can do rather well, it is to adapt. Part of the adaption process will probably see an end to such fake news silliness. Certainly, the term "mainstream media" is already dead. So who do you trust? Simple. The one that is not lying to you no matter where it is coming from.

NEXT WEEK: The Ever Changing World of The Podcast


13 September 2020

It's All An Act

 Everything you consume through any sort of media is not being honest with you. It's not so much an outright lie as it is just in the manner of presentation. In this episode, Ric is going to lay out the vibe all content creators go with when it comes to the dissemination of any thing. 

From all your news to your music, it's all a big fat lie carefully designed to do one thing. Here's a hint, Ric will explain this by using two bands KISS & Ghost. 

NEXT WEEK: The Post-Pandemic Panic 

06 September 2020

Biopicture This

 If it were to seem you are hearing more about biopics being made about your favorite rock acts, you are not alone. There is a reason for this and it is simply because fans of the classic rock genre are getting older and frankly, no one is making any more of that music. There is a solid nostalgic factor at work.

There is an issue when it comes to these things. As Ric will tell you about in this episode, the problem with these films is it gives you the chance to "meet your heroes", if you will. Although this does sort of fly into the face of the notion that you should never meet your heroes, there is an outside chance you might discover that band or musician you had admired all those years was really a giant asshole. 

To prevent this, writers will "Hollywood Up" these stories to show you something quite a bit different. The end result, you aren't getting the whole picture, among other things.

NEXT WEEK: It's All An Act