28 July 2019

Terrestrial Zombies

In a very sad way, FM has become this weird little zombie. Still propped up by the corporate stiffs as something that is still sort of viable. This is quite sad, frankly. There was a time when traditional radio was a fantastic medium, or so we thought. Once everyone was given an actual choice as to what they could listen to, the world sort of changed.

Now, terrestrial radio is sort of a sad joke. In this episode, Ric will expand on this by telling you about a conversation he had with a couple of people. One who was in the business and now is out doing his own thing, and one who is still in the scene and how he compares the current state of terrestrial radio to Weekend at Bernie's. A very sad analogy but so true on so many levels.

Plus, Ric went to the dentist and it was quite the mouthful. Also, Ric prepares to be without adult supervision as The Immigrant leaves town for a few days.

NEXT WEEK: The Sarcastic Cynic

21 July 2019

Terms of Service

In light of the recent viral FaceApp thing which was hot for a minute, came news about how nefarious this thing could be. Almost immediately there were reports of how the app designers were a Russian company bent on snagging data from the app's users.

Which begs the question, how come there is all this talk about giving up your privacy and almost everyone is leary of doing that but, when it comes to something fun to do with a picture, these same people willingly give up all their privacy to see the gimmick? Remember, there is nothing free out there.

Sure, the app doesn't cost you a single penny. But, there is a cost and you likely paid handsomely for it. In this episode, Ric takes a look at the terms of service of the FaceApp as well as a cautionary look at other things out there. Also, some of the best ideas never get used. Instead, we are stuck with self checkout.

NEXT WEEK: FM as Zombieland

07 July 2019

What A Cover Act

There it is, you see a post about one of your favorite bands in the whole world is coming to your town for a show. You grew up with their music, you have all of their records, it's been years since you have seen them live. You are going to the show. When you get there you realize that not one member of the band on stage is from the original act. They sound the same. They sort of look the same. But they are playing music that is ostensibly not theirs. It belongs to the band.

But, here we are at this show and we paid how much to see this cover act? In this episode, Ric talks about the business that is keeping the name alive of these classic rock acts all for the sake of selling tickets. Every member has been replaced though, but are they still the same? Also, the art of letting go. Plus, music from Tullie Brae.

NEXT WEEK: The 24 hour news cycle is making you dizzy. And it's getting worse.