09 October 2011

The New Revolution?

Yeah, I hear ya.  This photo says a lot doesn't it?  I grabbed it from Boing Boing earlier in relation to the events happening around the world these days with the "Occupy" movement.  It rings quite the bell of truth for those of us at Radio Memphis.

It would seem we have arrived at a pretty fun time.  People all over the place have had enough of the corporate mandated, dare I say shit, that has permeated our society these days.  Am I a little sensitive to it?  Oh yeah.  And you should be, too.  

The fact of the matter is, quite simply, this:  The sign you see in that picture represents a whole lot frustrations.  You could, in a matter of speaking, find any situation and apply it to this mans' sign.  It also seems to represent the feelings of those of you who follow the Radio Memphis flag of discontent.  Mind you, we are having a pretty good time doing what we are doing.  But make no mistake, it is the spirit of what we are doing that is reflected in this picture.  He's right, you know... 

So far, the spirit of our humble little radio station has lingered around this very sentiment.  What makes it nice, is that Radio Memphis was around a little before all this went down with the "Occupy" movement.  A lot has been said, on both sides of the fence about this movement.  Some claim these people are just part of the problem.  "Go find a job, you dirty hippie.", "Get an education and quit bitching.", "Stay out of my place of employment with your garbage rhetoric."  and my personal favorite, "Your message means nothing to me."

I've read all those statements in various forms from all over.  Listen, we are all just one paycheck from being that guy above holding that very same sign.  Trust me.  I was lulled into a false sense of security with the old tired lines of "... having a steady paycheck." and "... you should be lucky you even have a job."  I heard those, too... at my last place of employment.  Look where that got me.  Ha!

In the meantime, while our anonymous friend here holds his sign of the times for all to see and ponder; whether you believe in it or not, remember this one thing, if it weren't for the 1% of those holding all the cards, Radio Memphis would never exist. 

Now, they are stuck with us for good and/or ill.

I like to think it for the good.  After all, what good is a revolution if no one gave a shit at all? 

The 99% are good for business.  At least, that is the way it looks for Radio Memphis.  

Fun times ahead.  

Stay Tuned...

02 October 2011

Growing Pains (in the ass)

I might be accused, from time to time of droning on and on about Radio Memphis.  But hey, it's consuming my life at the moment.  Besides, it seems there are a some of you out there who are genuinely interested in the goings on of a new radio station.  Lord knows, I could write a book on the subject.  That probably won't happen, so this will have to suffice for now.  The amusing thing about this is the whole process has been so much fun, to date.  But, it has been one colossal pain in the ass.

Mind you, I am not complaining.  It has been an enjoyable pain in the ass.  The reasons?  They are myriad.  The joys of delving into a new technology to bring back a media that, for me has been one of the most important mediums in the history of mankind.  The dinosaur corporations who have had their way with the radio industry, in my eyes, have long ago reached their zenith.  I always believed that at some point in time there would be a changing of the guard.  There would be a return to the old ways of doing things by people who were versed enough in the industry to pull it off.  I never thought I would be that "people", but that is what has happened.

Make no mistake here, I did not nor could have pulled any of this off without a truly wonderful staff of people that make Radio Memphis remotely possible.  Here's the thing.  Everyone of these people are doing this because they believe in what we are trying to accomplish.  Allow me to explain while introducing you to who makes Radio Memphis work.

Let me start by saying that I am not putting these people in any particular order.  They are listed as they come to mind.  So, those of you reading this that are worried about favoritism, stop it.  There is none of that here.  Each of these people are incredibly special to me in ways I will try to convey through this.  Not to mention in ways you will never know.  So there.

When I first conceived the idea of this station, one of my first phone calls went to Dave Thorn.  He is a long time local music supporter.  Though, not a musician, he has a passion for the music and the people who create it.  He had, at the time, expressed an interest in working in the radio business.  To his surprise, he became our Operations Manager.  What is that?  He is me when I can't be me.  Make sense?  He has no idea what he is in for and as much as I have explained it to him, he asks for more.  A glutton for punishment?  Perhaps, but he's wired for it and it will be tested.  Trusted?  It hurts to think I couldn't trust him.  Know what I mean?

Leon Griffin came in initially as nothing more than the imaging voice.  The voice you hear between songs that tells you what station you are listening to.  Well, that certainly changed.  Voice of God aside.  He was sold on the concept early on and has been more than just that voice.  Leon has the ability to motivate me and those who have lovingly given so much.  His visions for the future of Radio Memphis have gone beyond anything I have ever imagined.  My favorite thing he reminds me of is this one simple concept.  "We have no idea just how powerful this thing can be and we may never fully grasp that very same idea."  Powerful stuff indeed.  Leon unknowingly found himself as my mentor and for that I am truly blessed to have his expertise on my side.  That is why he is our Marketing Manager.  Our Promotions Director, Dianna, refers to him as "The Dark Knight".  That he is.

Speaking of which.  Dianna Fryer has gone above and beyond the call of duty.  She somehow manages a full time job working very hard to keep control of despite its ability at times to get the best of her for the meager pay it seems to draw.  I'm not talking about her job with Radio Memphis.  What she does for us, for nothing, is truly remarkable.  The posters around town, the bumper stickers, the T-shirts, the merchandise in development, the constant promotion and communication she exudes with the order of a regiment is something to behold.  Dianna personifies the "new blood" this industry needs so desperately.  We are lucky she hasn't quit us.  I know she won't.  It's in her blood now and she loves it.  Lucky for us!

Bambi Kirk came aboard at the perfect time.  She is an ex-pat from Clear Channel.  She gets it.  A more organized individual you will not find.  Bambi changed her life for Radio Memphis, sort of.  Long story, but she went from her full time job to a part time position to devote more time to Radio Memphis.  What a compliment!  You want to buy some advertising time, call her.  She got us the Mississippi RiverKings Hockey games for broadcast and oh so much more. 

James McCraw went the distance for us as well.  He actually quit a well paying full time job to come sell Radio Memphis.  Over a few beverages one night, he extolled the virtues of Radio Memphis to me and actually made me want to buy time on my own radio station.  Words fail me as I wrap my head around the sacrifice he is making for this station.  Because, he believes in it that much. 

Cindy Harber is also part of the marketing team and has the distinction of bringing in one of the first checks to Radio Memphis.  Once again, someone who never worked in this business and is finding her way in a foreign concept to her.  This girl is going places.  You want to buy some time on Radio Memphis, call her.  She has the ability to sweet talk you right into a great deal.  She does that because she can.  You want to know something else?  She loves Rock and Roll.  Major plus!

David Wade found his way into the fold by being another Clear Channel ex-pat.  He can sell anything.  But, he has also found a good calling by being our webmaster.  The beauty of our website is the result of his handiwork.  You need a website?  Call him.  You want a banner ad on Radio Memphis' website?  Call him.  You need a moment of zen?  Call him.  He's that good.

Gerard "G" Jones came to us through Dave Thorn.  He's a musician and has a deep need to fulfill a desire to be in the radio business.  So, I obliged.  Once again, new blood.  His humor and view of the world is a great asset to what we have built so far.  Need a record made?  Call him.  And the ladies love him.  Why?  I'll never know.

Justin Jaggers is yet another example of "new blood" in this field.  Our morning guy works several jobs, a full time student as a double major in music business and recording.  He has an incredible ear and quick wit.  He works tireless for this station and never blinks an eye over anything that is asked of him.  Dianna refers to him as "my bitch".  You know what?  He doesn't care.  He is more than happy to be a part of something with this station.  You can't buy that kind of talent.

Brother Doug is a bastard.  Bad Dog used to call him that, and more when he was our producer.  You have to understand that "bastard" in this case is a loving referral to the simple fact that he is nothing more than a damn fine entertainer.  He follows me on the broadcast schedule and without his grounding affect on the air, this station would simply sound weak.  His ideas, sometimes "out there" often translate into things we consider to the point of pulling off.  You should hear the stuff he thinks of when we gather ideas.  Ingeniously dangerous.  I like that.  No, I love that.

I would be remiss in my listing here if I did not mention Melody Meadows.  Melody is another Clear Channel ex-patriot.  Cast aside as I was.  Due to contractual obligations, I seriously cannot comment too much other than this:  By the end of November, it will be nice to have a voice on the air that so many people love.  Smart, sassy and full of life, Melody is my dearest sister.  We went through hell and back together in the old days.  I can't wait until she is fully and freely one of us.

The bottom line here is that these people are the heart of Radio Memphis.  The one thing big corporate radio detested was a family atmosphere.  I wanted to cultivate that.  We have that.  We are a family.  Yesterday, while I sat here at this computer working on something trivial, there was an accidental meeting of the minds.  Several of these people were in the studio.  There was laughter and I wasn't involved in that moment.  Other than being a quiet observer, it warmed my heart to hear it.  People that were never connected before Radio Memphis were laughing together and having fun at each others expense.  A cherished moment, forever locked away in my mind.  It dawned on me, once again, I am blessed with a great crew as we sail the unknown seas of the future together.  Our individual sacrifices made and those we continue to make.  I love all of these people for that one simple fact.

The pain in the ass, you ask?  That I cannot reward them appropriately. 

This will come. 

It almost always does. 

Good things do happen.  They are happening now. 

Yeah, that's a pain in the ass... but you know, it's a good pain in the ass nevertheless.  

Stay Tuned.