30 January 2022

The Elephant in The Room is Not Joe Rogan

There has been a lot of movement lately among certain buzzwords. "Censorship", "Cancel", and "Spotify". This all relates, of course to Joe Rogan. In this episode (available on Spotify and other places), Ric dives into the topic that seems to be on a lot of consumer's minds. Thanks to Neil Young, many musicians are pulling their stuff from the platform. 

Noble, for sure. But, when looking at the real problem here, it is not the hack with the bad sense of humor or his rather unlistenable show (Ric's words), there is so much more here in play. Spotify makes its money through podcasts and subscriptions. So, what do they pay musicians versus what they pay podcasters? It get's kind of complicated. 

Plus, the Wall Street people are about to suck all the fun right out of cryptocurrency.

NEXT WEEK: Consumer Spending. You Know, Pocket Money.

23 January 2022

The Stream is Deep


A lot of cord cutters are standing around scratching their heads wonder what the hell just happened? Netflix, within their corporate greed decided to raise their rates. It is kind of a hard pill to swallow. Even though it's just a couple of bucks, $3.6 Billion a month is clearly not enough for this company. The rate hike bit them in the ass, too. Just this week, their stock price dropped 41%. That's a bunch. 

Some estimates claim they lost $20 Billion in a matter of a few hours. How greedy must you be to put out shitty programming for that kind of money? Also in this episode, Ric explains what happened when I guy got killed near the Radio Memphis parking lot. He caught a train. Apparently, he came a part over the whole thing.
NEXT WEEK: Cryptocurrency Is Not Fun Anymore

17 January 2022

Quit Your Job

 Are you a part of The Great Resignation? Have you had enough of "the man" putting the hobnailed boot of corporate oppression on your neck? Join the American movement to stick it to the system! In this episode, Ric takes a look at the trend that is making serious waves among the labor force. It appears that a sizable chunk of you have taken enough of the bullshit. 

We are all in a situation where capitalism has turned into a hostage situation and we seem to have fallen into the Stockholm Syndrome. It has been a long time coming and it took a pandemic to realize Mondays don't suck, its your job that sucks. It ain't for everyone, but for most the death of the middle class is a stark reminder of just how boned we all are.

NEXT WEEK: The Stream is Deep

09 January 2022

The BBQ Blues

 Ric is apparently getting a new neighbor. Normally, this would not be that big of a deal as he tends to welcome all new businesses in his neighborhood. This one though, seems to come with a built in annoyance. In this episode, Ric will tell you about yet another BBQ joint moving across the street. A Texas style BBQ thing with plans to build a large smoker that will fill the area (and Ric's living room) with the smell of smoked cow. 

Upon further investigation, there seems to be so much more to the situation than meets the eye. There is an interesting point here to be made for sure. It would appear someone wasn't thinking this all the way through. Not to mention the very true nature of one's reputation preceding himself. As Ric will tell you, this is probably not going to end well.

NEXT WEEK: Putting the Nation into The Great Resignation