27 July 2014

The Golden Age of The Internet

We are living in a fine time of the internet. It is truly the last great final frontier. As a result, it is lawless, free (to a point), full of boobies, idiots and good stuff, too. It is the perfect setting for the fight of a lifetime. Now the FCC wants to come in and regulate it on the behalf of some wealthy internet provider corporations. If that were to happen, we would all suffer. But since the US government has decided to be the police force for every other nation in the world plus the internet, this would cause some big problems.

That is what I talk about in this episode. Heady stuff, no doubt. But, it is important to take heed of the warning signs out there that would affect you, the casual user of the internet. A bit of a rant but there are things that need to be said.

By the way, if what I say here upsets you, the beauty of the internet allows you to say so in the comments below. Or not. That is your call. Imagine the freedom of speech for everyone in the world. That is what the internet is about and is the subject of this episode.

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Next week: My friend Abigail Noel joins me in a walk through Elmwood Cemetery. She is a psychic channel and evidentiary medium. We talk about dealing with dead people (and the living) and her involvement in the Lorenzen Wright and Holly Bobo cases. A really fascinating walk and talk with a fascinating and very funny lady. For more on her check out her website here.

Until then,

Stay tuned...

20 July 2014

Board To Tears & The Value Of A Higher Education

Yes, it is a play on words. Before you grammar Nazis jump on my ass, pay attention. Jeff stopped by the studio in this episode and we finally got the new mixer up and running. We covered a lot of topics in this show and we had a good time breaking all the rules. A couple of guys running our mouths all the process of making sure the new equipment works.

Also, in this episode, the story about how the cats came to reside here and what happens when a rat enters the picture.

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Next week: Another chapter in my life in the broadcasting business and how the FCC just won't go away. What it really means to me to be from Radioland.

Stay tuned...

13 July 2014

Thomas D. Byrd

There is a fascinating story I have come upon. At least, it is fascinating to me. For me to properly tell this story, I have taken the recorder to a really cool and wonderful place. This place is so special that tours are available to all those who are interested in historic Memphis.

Not only is this the end of the road, so to speak, it is quite literally AT the end of the road.

Now here's the thing, this story involves a man who is buried here. He was not necessarily any remarkable man aside from any other man nor did he necessarily live a remarkable life. The thing about Mr. Byrd's story is what has happened since his unremarkable death.

Thomas D. Byrd 1854 - 1926

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By the way, there was no EVP evidence in this episode. Unless you hear something I didn't. If you would like to know more about this wonderful place, you can visit their website here.

Just for the point of having a bit of fun, I found this.

More like, gone.

Next week, Jeff is back in the studio and some very funny stories about cats, rats and porn. Thanks again for tuning is and please share this with all of those who might be entertained and as always...

Stay tuned...

06 July 2014

Greedy Bastards

In the 1980s, we were taught, thanks to Gordon Gecko, that greed was good. When the 21st century came around, it took corporate America a few years to realize that concept was an actual working model and it put a lot of careers to an abrupt end. Mine too. At the time.

Of course I managed to find a way to carry on as have many others. For too many though, they have had to take on several jobs at once just to make the ends meet. Lives have been disrupted and a good number have had to find a way to make do with what little they have just because someone felt it necessary to have a new car from a bonus paid when the bottom line had to be met at the hands of workers who were making the money for someone else.

A sad and vicious cycle indeed. All at the hands of a generation of people who believed what they were told in the 1980s. It it gets worse. There is a generation amongst us that honestly believe the world owes them something just because they showed up. This group of entitlement people are the ones who are about to be in charge. But will they be?

Take a listen to what I have to say on the subject and see if there is any hope for our society.

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Thanks again for being a part of this show. Coming up next week, I'll be standing among some 90,000 people and doing a podcast about one of them.

Until then,

Stay tuned...