06 November 2011

The Evolution of Radio

 This is kind of an appropriate graphic in more ways than one.  But, it nicely illustrates a few concepts I've been witness to and a party of which I will illustrate here.  

When I first started in he radio business, there were these little vinyl discs called "45's" and big vinyl discs called "33's" and little 8 track looking tape cartridges we used to call "carts".  These things had pretty much been the standard tools of radio broadcasters for a long, long time.  

I saw the death of the 45's and 33's when the compact disc (or CD as you may know it) came to radio stations in the late 80's.  It was a strange sort of promotional gag DJ's used to lay out on the air, "coming up, brand new music from Bruce Springsteen on a brand new format.  We'll play it from a compact disc!"  Oh yeah, those were the days.

We were bouncing little microwave signals all over the city from a thing called a "Marti" that got us from a car lot filled with hot dogs, balloons, smarmy radio people and even more smarmy used car salesmen.  All of the things were the miracle of the day, yet they were so commonplace to those of us who worked around it we always thought there would never be a change.

Then I saw the death of the CD.  That's when it all changed.

Computers were already established tools in the broadcaster's studio but now they were increasingly gaining the trust of the bosses.  It was always a joke that we would all be replaced by these machines.  Sadly, we pretty much all were.  How prophetic... and pathetic.

So, instead of complaining about it, I decided it was time to embrace the technology with the caveat of putting these machines in their proper place.  Hence Radio Memphis.  (For more on that, read the previous posts)

During my time with the "evil empire", the corporate apes came up with this novel thing called "HD Radio".  Capitalizing on the new trend of HDTV (among other things), these suits thought it would be cool to have a digital signal with some serious "High Definition".  As it turned out, not so much.  The transmitters are still locked in at certain broadcasted rates of information and what you thought was HD Radio was nothing more than a fairly clear signal right up to the second you left the broadcast radius of the tower you were listening to.  Then, BAM! You got nothing.  So, to save this cool moniker of "HD Radio", it was decided to split the existing signals down to other stations so one station could have 2 other sister stations you could only pick up with (you guessed it) an HD Radio.  

Here in Memphis, there are about 40 or 50 of these magical boxes around, most of which are owned and housed in the radio stations themselves as a monument to their "ingenuity".  The concept of HD Radio is pretty much a failure and a minor joke amongst radio people.  

If you'll notice in the picture at the top of this post, the guy in the lead seems somewhat concerned that he is being followed by monkeys.  Ever since we went on the air, as it were, as a strictly local station with a global audience and the acts of "murder" committed by the evil empire behind us, all the other stations (corporate monkeys themselves) love to throw around the word "local".  Kind of tough to live up to that when the music they are playing is anything but.  Not to mention the fact that all of their management are no where within 100 miles of Memphis.  Local?  I think not.  So yes, we seem to be followed by monkeys.  But back to being "high definition".

Enter internet radio and all of the sudden, these things about "high definition" and increased fidelity become a real issue.

When I built Radio Memphis, I felt damn lucky to have a signal on the web that was running right at FM quality.  Then my server guy had a stroke over the amount of data I was shooting to the server.  So, he put the kibosh on me and ran me down to a transmission rate that is slightly less than FM.  Claiming there is no difference.  But, I know better.  Meanwhile, I make the acquaintance of one Crafton Barnes who proceeds to hip me to Web 2.0 and the joys of cloud computing and the unlimited potential of internet radio stations just waiting to be tapped.  Enter our "High Definition" signal.

You can hear it HERE.  This is the test of a new way for Radio Memphis to deliver the station to you, the humble listener.  What you are hearing, which may be subtle to you, is pure CD quality audio.  It has it's little issues from time to time.  Shit, what doesn't?  But, this is what we are testing.  Should this be successful, we will be able to deliver to you a radio station in this highly defined audio in a clarity that terrestrial radio stations cannot.  Scary, huh?

So now, we have evolved ourselves from a little rough signal just under FM quality to something that has surpassed FM quality in the blink of an eye.  Something that would have taken years has now happened in mere weeks.  How's that for evolution?

Oh, but wait, there is so much more to come that even as I try and understand the power of and the simple concepts behind... well, let's just say, it's going to be one hell of a ride!

Stay Tuned...

09 October 2011

The New Revolution?

Yeah, I hear ya.  This photo says a lot doesn't it?  I grabbed it from Boing Boing earlier in relation to the events happening around the world these days with the "Occupy" movement.  It rings quite the bell of truth for those of us at Radio Memphis.

It would seem we have arrived at a pretty fun time.  People all over the place have had enough of the corporate mandated, dare I say shit, that has permeated our society these days.  Am I a little sensitive to it?  Oh yeah.  And you should be, too.  

The fact of the matter is, quite simply, this:  The sign you see in that picture represents a whole lot frustrations.  You could, in a matter of speaking, find any situation and apply it to this mans' sign.  It also seems to represent the feelings of those of you who follow the Radio Memphis flag of discontent.  Mind you, we are having a pretty good time doing what we are doing.  But make no mistake, it is the spirit of what we are doing that is reflected in this picture.  He's right, you know... 

So far, the spirit of our humble little radio station has lingered around this very sentiment.  What makes it nice, is that Radio Memphis was around a little before all this went down with the "Occupy" movement.  A lot has been said, on both sides of the fence about this movement.  Some claim these people are just part of the problem.  "Go find a job, you dirty hippie.", "Get an education and quit bitching.", "Stay out of my place of employment with your garbage rhetoric."  and my personal favorite, "Your message means nothing to me."

I've read all those statements in various forms from all over.  Listen, we are all just one paycheck from being that guy above holding that very same sign.  Trust me.  I was lulled into a false sense of security with the old tired lines of "... having a steady paycheck." and "... you should be lucky you even have a job."  I heard those, too... at my last place of employment.  Look where that got me.  Ha!

In the meantime, while our anonymous friend here holds his sign of the times for all to see and ponder; whether you believe in it or not, remember this one thing, if it weren't for the 1% of those holding all the cards, Radio Memphis would never exist. 

Now, they are stuck with us for good and/or ill.

I like to think it for the good.  After all, what good is a revolution if no one gave a shit at all? 

The 99% are good for business.  At least, that is the way it looks for Radio Memphis.  

Fun times ahead.  

Stay Tuned...

02 October 2011

Growing Pains (in the ass)

I might be accused, from time to time of droning on and on about Radio Memphis.  But hey, it's consuming my life at the moment.  Besides, it seems there are a some of you out there who are genuinely interested in the goings on of a new radio station.  Lord knows, I could write a book on the subject.  That probably won't happen, so this will have to suffice for now.  The amusing thing about this is the whole process has been so much fun, to date.  But, it has been one colossal pain in the ass.

Mind you, I am not complaining.  It has been an enjoyable pain in the ass.  The reasons?  They are myriad.  The joys of delving into a new technology to bring back a media that, for me has been one of the most important mediums in the history of mankind.  The dinosaur corporations who have had their way with the radio industry, in my eyes, have long ago reached their zenith.  I always believed that at some point in time there would be a changing of the guard.  There would be a return to the old ways of doing things by people who were versed enough in the industry to pull it off.  I never thought I would be that "people", but that is what has happened.

Make no mistake here, I did not nor could have pulled any of this off without a truly wonderful staff of people that make Radio Memphis remotely possible.  Here's the thing.  Everyone of these people are doing this because they believe in what we are trying to accomplish.  Allow me to explain while introducing you to who makes Radio Memphis work.

Let me start by saying that I am not putting these people in any particular order.  They are listed as they come to mind.  So, those of you reading this that are worried about favoritism, stop it.  There is none of that here.  Each of these people are incredibly special to me in ways I will try to convey through this.  Not to mention in ways you will never know.  So there.

When I first conceived the idea of this station, one of my first phone calls went to Dave Thorn.  He is a long time local music supporter.  Though, not a musician, he has a passion for the music and the people who create it.  He had, at the time, expressed an interest in working in the radio business.  To his surprise, he became our Operations Manager.  What is that?  He is me when I can't be me.  Make sense?  He has no idea what he is in for and as much as I have explained it to him, he asks for more.  A glutton for punishment?  Perhaps, but he's wired for it and it will be tested.  Trusted?  It hurts to think I couldn't trust him.  Know what I mean?

Leon Griffin came in initially as nothing more than the imaging voice.  The voice you hear between songs that tells you what station you are listening to.  Well, that certainly changed.  Voice of God aside.  He was sold on the concept early on and has been more than just that voice.  Leon has the ability to motivate me and those who have lovingly given so much.  His visions for the future of Radio Memphis have gone beyond anything I have ever imagined.  My favorite thing he reminds me of is this one simple concept.  "We have no idea just how powerful this thing can be and we may never fully grasp that very same idea."  Powerful stuff indeed.  Leon unknowingly found himself as my mentor and for that I am truly blessed to have his expertise on my side.  That is why he is our Marketing Manager.  Our Promotions Director, Dianna, refers to him as "The Dark Knight".  That he is.

Speaking of which.  Dianna Fryer has gone above and beyond the call of duty.  She somehow manages a full time job working very hard to keep control of despite its ability at times to get the best of her for the meager pay it seems to draw.  I'm not talking about her job with Radio Memphis.  What she does for us, for nothing, is truly remarkable.  The posters around town, the bumper stickers, the T-shirts, the merchandise in development, the constant promotion and communication she exudes with the order of a regiment is something to behold.  Dianna personifies the "new blood" this industry needs so desperately.  We are lucky she hasn't quit us.  I know she won't.  It's in her blood now and she loves it.  Lucky for us!

Bambi Kirk came aboard at the perfect time.  She is an ex-pat from Clear Channel.  She gets it.  A more organized individual you will not find.  Bambi changed her life for Radio Memphis, sort of.  Long story, but she went from her full time job to a part time position to devote more time to Radio Memphis.  What a compliment!  You want to buy some advertising time, call her.  She got us the Mississippi RiverKings Hockey games for broadcast and oh so much more. 

James McCraw went the distance for us as well.  He actually quit a well paying full time job to come sell Radio Memphis.  Over a few beverages one night, he extolled the virtues of Radio Memphis to me and actually made me want to buy time on my own radio station.  Words fail me as I wrap my head around the sacrifice he is making for this station.  Because, he believes in it that much. 

Cindy Harber is also part of the marketing team and has the distinction of bringing in one of the first checks to Radio Memphis.  Once again, someone who never worked in this business and is finding her way in a foreign concept to her.  This girl is going places.  You want to buy some time on Radio Memphis, call her.  She has the ability to sweet talk you right into a great deal.  She does that because she can.  You want to know something else?  She loves Rock and Roll.  Major plus!

David Wade found his way into the fold by being another Clear Channel ex-pat.  He can sell anything.  But, he has also found a good calling by being our webmaster.  The beauty of our website is the result of his handiwork.  You need a website?  Call him.  You want a banner ad on Radio Memphis' website?  Call him.  You need a moment of zen?  Call him.  He's that good.

Gerard "G" Jones came to us through Dave Thorn.  He's a musician and has a deep need to fulfill a desire to be in the radio business.  So, I obliged.  Once again, new blood.  His humor and view of the world is a great asset to what we have built so far.  Need a record made?  Call him.  And the ladies love him.  Why?  I'll never know.

Justin Jaggers is yet another example of "new blood" in this field.  Our morning guy works several jobs, a full time student as a double major in music business and recording.  He has an incredible ear and quick wit.  He works tireless for this station and never blinks an eye over anything that is asked of him.  Dianna refers to him as "my bitch".  You know what?  He doesn't care.  He is more than happy to be a part of something with this station.  You can't buy that kind of talent.

Brother Doug is a bastard.  Bad Dog used to call him that, and more when he was our producer.  You have to understand that "bastard" in this case is a loving referral to the simple fact that he is nothing more than a damn fine entertainer.  He follows me on the broadcast schedule and without his grounding affect on the air, this station would simply sound weak.  His ideas, sometimes "out there" often translate into things we consider to the point of pulling off.  You should hear the stuff he thinks of when we gather ideas.  Ingeniously dangerous.  I like that.  No, I love that.

I would be remiss in my listing here if I did not mention Melody Meadows.  Melody is another Clear Channel ex-patriot.  Cast aside as I was.  Due to contractual obligations, I seriously cannot comment too much other than this:  By the end of November, it will be nice to have a voice on the air that so many people love.  Smart, sassy and full of life, Melody is my dearest sister.  We went through hell and back together in the old days.  I can't wait until she is fully and freely one of us.

The bottom line here is that these people are the heart of Radio Memphis.  The one thing big corporate radio detested was a family atmosphere.  I wanted to cultivate that.  We have that.  We are a family.  Yesterday, while I sat here at this computer working on something trivial, there was an accidental meeting of the minds.  Several of these people were in the studio.  There was laughter and I wasn't involved in that moment.  Other than being a quiet observer, it warmed my heart to hear it.  People that were never connected before Radio Memphis were laughing together and having fun at each others expense.  A cherished moment, forever locked away in my mind.  It dawned on me, once again, I am blessed with a great crew as we sail the unknown seas of the future together.  Our individual sacrifices made and those we continue to make.  I love all of these people for that one simple fact.

The pain in the ass, you ask?  That I cannot reward them appropriately. 

This will come. 

It almost always does. 

Good things do happen.  They are happening now. 

Yeah, that's a pain in the ass... but you know, it's a good pain in the ass nevertheless.  

Stay Tuned.

18 September 2011

Internet Radio, WTF Is It?

Since the July 1st launch of Radio Memphis, we have learned a great deal about the business that is Internet Radio.  A lot of really good things have happened and thankfully, a very small bad thing has raised its ugly head.  We have found ourselves deep in a world filled with choices.  More choices than one might even consider at the outset.  Certainly, when first I conceived the idea of this radio station, there were natural hurdles to overcome.  That just comes with the territory.  Namely, engaging a relatively new technology and making the connection with our listeners.  Not a small task.

Sure, you could simply get a computer and some software, some generous server space and a little software.  But, there was so much that went into its creation.  Primarily, you need to know how a radio station should sound.  The feel of the music, the transitions, the personalities involved and all the little trappings that go into this sort of endeavor.  Thankfully, I was able to rely on several factors which would ultimately shape the overall final product.  First, my experience in the business of radio.  I'd been knocking about in this crazy circus of a field for 23 years.  More than half of that time spent in Memphis.  That's a good thing.  If you were to put together a radio station for Memphis, it helps to know what the Memphis listener wants to hear, right?  Filling the niche was actually rather easy. 

The big box corporate radio machines created the niche.  Trust me, I am very thankful for the inept individuals calling the shots on the corporate level.  From my vantage point, it looks like they have managed to make FM radio rather irrelevant.  Which can be a sad thing in the scheme of things.  Massive operations which are designed to do one thing... make money.  And they are not really good at that either.  Sadly, the big radio corporations are not run by radio people.  Lawyers and accountants rule the roost.  Now, look what happened.  They basically killed the industry off.  It forced people like me to find other ways of taking it back.  Using the available technology to do what we should have been doing years ago.  Creating a relevant source of entertainment. 

That's all part of the good stuff we have encountered along the way.  Another great thing was surrounding myself with trusted allies who can help carry the load.  Coming to the realization that as much as I wanted to do it all, I simply cannot.  Arriving at that moment was a sort of a eureka moment for me and became rather refreshing.  Being able to rely on great people like Leon Griffin who is Radio Memphis' Marketing Manager (and mentor) was the defining moment with us.  Finding him in my foxhole during this time has certainly presented me with a feeling of not having to panic.  Not to tell on Leon, but he's been in the business since 1969.  He knows what works and what does not.  That is priceless information as we begin to grow.

Part of the bad things we have had to encounter involved individuals and organizations who are largely afraid of the power we suddenly wield.  One of the early concerns we all had was the perception that Radio Memphis would not be taken seriously.  I think to a certain extent, we will never get fully past that stigma no matter what we accomplish.  Despite this, Radio Memphis managed to legitimize itself by forming a partnership with the Mississippi RiverKings Hockey Club to carry some 41 of their games which includes their entire away schedule.  But watch, there will be people who will still say, "Meh, it's still internet radio."  Yeah, well, screw you.  We're here and we ain't going away.

Internet radio has a funny stink to it.  Not that that's a bad thing.  Generally speaking, people are afraid of what they don't know about.  In response to that theory, we have been pretty busy educating people on how to listen to us.  It seems to be working since our numbers are reflecting that.  Internet radio is a common thing on the east and west coasts.  Our numbers reflect that fact as well.  But the good thing is we are not the only ones doing it.  There are countless internet radio stations around the globe.  Most are, quite frankly, amateurish.  There are some that sound quite well.  Look for some of the internet stations in Europe as an example of this full spectrum of what internet radio has to offer.  When you consider these other stations, Radio Memphis becomes a mere dot in the big picture.  The nice thing about that, is we can be a significant dot with the right amount of work and some luck.  As a quick aside here, if you are handy with a soldering iron, you can make a really cool desktop internet radio that can get as many stations as you want.  Check out this cool article in Popular Science.

Then there are the naysayers we deal with.  Check the comments of the next post down and you will see what I mean.  There are those people out there who feel that we are cheating the Memphis musicians by not paying royalty money to the artists.  To answer that little nagging issue, we merely point out the simple fact of net neutrality.  Look it up.  Internet radio stations do not ever have to pay royalty money to any collection agency.  It is a busted system that benefits everyone BUT the musicians and the radio stations. 

Far too often, there are those ill-informed individuals who think they know the laws and regulations regarding the broadcasting of music.  When these people speak their mind, they do nothing but rile the tempers of the musicians who have submitted to Radio Memphis.  They know they aren't having their music exposed for the radio stations to pay them.  They know the money they make comes from the sale of their music and the sale of tickets to their events.  It's just that simple. 

We created Radio Memphis to be a way to take back the industry from the idiots who now control the radio industry.  And it seems to be working.

These "media mastodons" (thanks Richard Alley) are reacting to internet radio with things like programs mimicking Pandora in that there is now more than one soulless way to deliver content.  Bill Gates said it once, "Content is king."  Boy, was he right.  You would think, of all people, a big corporation would know this.  But the reality is that neither do they know this nor do they give a shit.

The new thing in radio is a thing called "Denise".  Denise is an artificial intelligence program that mimics a DJ.  It reads the song titles in the play list and regurgitates lines to the audience that have been programmed into its system.  What's more, it has the ability to change voices throughout the day to give the impression of there being a "different" jock on the air.  What a sham... and a shame.  Now these dinosaurs don't have to pay anyone to work at a radio station. 

We live in a scary world.  The new economy has redefined how business is to be done.  To answer that, these massive corporations are resorting to dehumanizing the industry to further rape the business.  For my answer, I simply refer the reader to Radio Memphis.  It's where real radio is headed.  In the next few years, don't expect satellite radio to survive and the traditional FM and AM broadcasts will be virtually unrecognizable.  A smoldering heap of what was once a great medium.  Thank God for the internet.  It became the next frontier for people like us.  Good and bad, this is going to be fun.

Stay Tuned...

25 July 2011

The Return of Radio

Saturday night, the 23rd of July, 2011 was a big night for me and the city of Memphis.  Radio Memphis got it's official launch party.  We were all at Neil's.  Funny how this all came about.  What started as a benefit for the Tommy Ruble Brass Note Fund, turned into a packed house, three music acts, a "comedian" and yours truly. 

The great Leon Griffin went on stage and had a nice little talk to the crowd about Memphis music and what it means to be a part of something that is going to be so huge.  Setting the stage, if you will, he introduced me and I went on to talk about the ills of corporate driven America.  Not to tout the material, but it was decent monologue.  Now, I won't go into what all was said since it was one of those things where you would have been better off there to hear it in person.  That, and me trying to put into writing the spirit of the speech would ultimately be lost.  I can tell you this, I do know that it was video taped.  I haven't seen it but I am quite sure it will surface at some point. 

Anyway, Radio Memphis sort of hijacked the event.  The end result was that the Tommy Ruble Fund got a nice bit of cash, Neil's was packed and from what I was told, everyone was entertained.  Tori Tollison and J. W. Williams had a great set.  The Fast Mothers blew the roof off the joint and The Mondophonics was awesome.  Great Memphis music from today. 

As a result, the crowd got to meet the staff of Radio Memphis.  We met some really great people and I heard nothing but good things and support from all that was there.  A fantastic night.  When we brought on stage all those who were responsible in part for the creation and existence of Radio Memphis, there was a great applause.  I ended my bit with the following:

"We built Radio Memphis for the Memphis Musician.  We built Radio Memphis for the Memphis music lover.  We built Radio Memphis for you.  Please support the station and enjoy it for what it is... yours."

Not a bad start.

Stay tuned...

01 July 2011

Radio Memphis

What a strange trip it has been, eh?  Since February 25th to today (July 1) I have felt a bit like Tarzan swinging from vine to vine working on various things with various people and like Victor Frankenstein, gave life to an idea that who knows what impact will have on the villagers.

Radio Memphis came from a simple thought.  The radio business isn't run by radio people anymore.  The big corporations (lawyers and bankers) have destroyed what we all came to love.  It is ruled by consultants, those people who have never stood in a radio station much less tell a pro what the audience wants.  Scary stuff.  And it only gets worse.  But those tales we'll save for later. 

So what is this thing, you ask?  The internet is where everything is headed.  You and I use it so much for everything from shopping, watching TV shows, movies, looking at boobies and listening to radio stations all over the globe. 

My initial approach to this was to make sure it didn't sound like a couple of kids working out of mom's basement in the middle of the night playing punk records.  It had to be big and it has to sound big.  (Bad Dog would love that last line... inside joke, sorry.)  We're still playing some punk records and many other things.  But it wasn't all at my hands.  There were quite a few people who made this happen and I want to make sure everyone gets listed here.

First of all I would have to thank my former employers for a few things.  The experience I got and the kick in the ass out the door that ultimately freed me up to do just this.  There were a lot of casualties along the way and a lot of good people lost their jobs as a result.  They are still getting thrown under the bus for no damn reason.  Just recently, the gentleman who hired me and fired me saw the end of a 30 year career here.  What a shame.  But, I digress.  Those people helped make Radio Memphis whether they like to know it or not.  So, thanks.

Now, onto to those who were much more active in their participation.  Josephine.  My wife who has stood by me through thick and thin.  She carried the belief of this project since it was conceived and kept me from going totally insane.  Charlie Hodum.  Legal counsel to the stars.  Brian McMurry.  He's the genius behind the skull you see at the top of this post.  Leon Griffin.  The coolest man in Memphis.  He's the voice behind the station.  When you hear a guy telling you what the station is, it's him.  The best set of pipes in town.  Dave Thorn.  Vexar Dave to you and me.  Daniel Brown.  Web design at Company Zero.  Benjamin Deming.  App designer.  Shon Gale at Emanon Group, Eugene, Oregon.  All the kids at Direttore in Italy.  Claesson Edwards Audio in California.  Emily Bishop and Barb Elder at The Lamplighter for the great article.  Charles Stanford.  CPA to the stars.  Dianna Fryer.  Promotions and all around fire putter-outer.  David James.  Construction and protector of the generator.  Neely James.  Wife of David and fan number 1.  John "Bubba" Bonds.  Music gatherer and liaison to Memphis musicians.  Tim Mullins.  Justin Jaggers.  Rick Cail.  Paul "Pablo the pool boy" Daniels.  All of the Memphis musicians who made the library possible.  This is built for you.  To all those who remained faithful to the cause and remained a fan of mine throughout all that has happened.  This is built for you.

There are others that should be mentioned here, however if I did, it would cost them their jobs.  You know who you are and I love you for your support and love.

 I'm sure we'll be making some mistakes from time to time.  Please pardon as we go through some growth pains.  We're working on stuff all the time with this thing.  As a matter of fact the iPhone app is out now and Ben is working on the app for the droid phones.  Yes, there is a BlackBerry app in the works, too. 

As for me, I'll officially join the crew August 1 at noon.  It would be sooner, but there is this little unfinished business with my former employers.  In the meantime, July 23 at 3PM the first live showe on the station will happen.  It will be Vexar Dave (God help us all).  He'll be on 'till 7 and then we'll all meet at Neil's on Madison at McLean for our kick off party with The Fast Mothers.  It'll be a blast.  Come meet all of us.  Doors open at 9PM.

So, here it is.  http://www.radio-memphis.com  Enjoy it.  We built this for all those who want radio back they way it's supposed to be. 

Stay tuned... please.

07 June 2011

The Theater Experience

I'm talking movie theaters here.  One of the problems theaters are facing these days are the mobile phone users.  God help us all.  There is nothing more irritating to me as a paying customer than going to a movie theater to see a film I have been psyched up for only to have the whole experience negated by the inconsiderate individual sitting a few rows in front of me sending out text messages during the movie.

Part of me wants to reach down and slap the back of their head and snatch the phone.  But I remember the story about the guy who said something to someone who was using their phone during a movie.  The phone user ultimately stabbed the complainer in the neck with a meat thermometer.  People certainly get touchy about these things and reacting with that sort of violence can be a turn off.  Sadly, to the benefit of the individual being the distraction.

So, it was with great joy I came across this bit of fun.  A movie theater in Austin, Texas called the Alamo Drafthouse has a policy, "we see you using your phone, we throw you out."  I rather like that rule.  And they enforce it.

But, before you get all pissed off with me for liking this sort of activity, keep in mind there was a time when one could go to the theater without these distractions.  "But, my babysitter might be calling." Or, "My house might be on fire and someone may be trying to call me."  Or, "I'm a doctor and I am on call."  We have heard them all.  Look, parents went childless on dates before there were mobile phones.  Seriously, what are the odds that your house will catch fire while you are at the theater?  Besides, what are you going to be able to do about anyway?  And if you are on call, don't you think you should keep that in consideration before going to the theater in the first place?

Back to The Alamo Drafthouse.  A patron gets caught using her phone and she get's thrown out.  She takes that very same phone and leaves a nasty message to the theater.  The theater, sensing a fine opportunity, takes the message and creates a public service message they run before the movie.  Bad language and all.  I absolutely love this.

Now, THAT is a great example of getting your message across.  Don't you just love it when people do wrong and think THEY are the victim?

There is something in that PSA that reaches down deep into my soul for some serious satisfaction.  Since we can't legally shoot the stupid (in most cases), there is a real bit of justice to this and I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did.

Discuss amongst yourselves, I'm headed back to the movie.

Stay Tuned...

26 May 2011

How About a Beer?

If it's one thing I am rather sensitive to, it's advertising.  Sensitive meaning that I am fully aware of it.  It's one of the side effects of being employed in the commercial broadcasting industry most of my life.  So, naturally, I am one of those people who are not all that phased about the messages that are constantly bombarding my TV, radio, film, internet or everywhere they exist.  So, it comes as a little surprise when one ad or another gets through my rather narrow filter.

This one did. So I did some research.  But here's the rub.  The ad I am talking about is a beer ad.  You have seen it.  Heineken.  The ad shows the grand entrance to a party by some man about town with a groovy band playing on this stage.  No, I don't care for Heineken.  Even if it is the number one selling beer in Ireland (after Budweiser... no joke).  What got my attention was the band.

The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.  Never heard of them?  Me neither.  But they figured out how to sell records by putting hit songs on certain commercials.  Turns out they did it for an Apple iPhone or one their other "i" products.  Anyway, after doing a little research, I found this, the full version of the Heineken song with the accompanying video that tells the whole story of the party.  The actual commercial must have been edited from this piece.  The film is called The Entrance and that it is.  The song is called The Golden Age.

Dig it...

The band is Danish and the girl singing is Mette Lindberg and judging by her command of the English language, she seems to be singing this phonetically.  Not that there is any thing wrong with that.  She's good and I assume that is her real voice. 

An interesting side not about this band.  They were sort of discovered by Amy Winehouse.  They opened for her at a show in Copenhagen.  That turned out to be their first big gig. 

So, does this spot make me want a Heineken? Not really. But, I could certainly go for some fried chicken.  Figure that out, advertising consultant.

Stay Tuned...

12 May 2011

Moving Along

So, it's been damn near 60 days since my last post.  It wasn't out of laziness.  I needed to spend some time listening to what is going on out in the real world.  I have to tell you, the more I listen to the real world, the more I am glad I am not a real part of it... (whatever that might mean).

The incredible string of bad luck I have endured since February 25th seems to have come to a close, thankfully.  Things are certainly looking up.  Everywhere I have been, I have been asked a ton of questions.  So, what I have decided to do here was to sit down with a trusted friend and have him ask me some questions, for you.  Enjoy!

What in the hell happened to that radio station you used to work for?
Good question. (laughs) Honestly, I haven't listened to it since I left.  I have heard stories, complaints, anecdotes, theories, all of that.  I did read a pile of Facebook postings regarding the situation and to be honest, I did take a certain pride in knowing what John and I did was considered pretty decent in comparison.  Remember, they let me go for whatever reason they deemed necessary and as a result, I am no longer in the loop.  Like they are going to ask my opinion. (laughs)

And if they did, what would tell them?
I'm in no position to offer advice to them.  They are in control of their own thing there.  That's their business.  They let me go.  I didn't quit.  What they choose to do is strictly up to them.  If they wanted to put poetry readings and sausage recipes on, that's their prerogative.  I'm out and I don't need to be telling them what to do.  They don't need me apparently, so knock yourselves out.  I honestly hope they get what they want. 

Are you angry or bitter about what happened?
I was for awhile.  Who wouldn't be?  You devote that much time and effort to something and to a group of individuals whom you think are behind you and then a series of events happen, out of your control and the next thing you know, your ass is on the street.  The powers that be made their decision for whatever reason they wanted.  I'm okay with that now.  I can and do honestly wish them the best of luck.  You can only be angry for so long and then you have to let it go.  Sure, I could find something to gripe about, a lot of people already have.  But in reality it does no good to bitch about something that is not of your control.  The way I see it, this is nothing more than the universe telling me to move along and find something else. 

Seriously, what do you think?
Seriously, I can't elaborate.  It's not that I legally can't, per se.  It's just not nice to say bad things about a place or the people who are there since so many great things came from my experience there.  14 years is a long time.  During which, I took from there 50 years of experiences.  I got the opportunity to spend some time with some great people and develop some relationships with those people I will always cherish.  I like to think I gave them their money's worth.  And I also like to think they still are getting their money's worth.

Aren't there bastards there?
(laughs) There are bastards everywhere.

Did they hold you to some sort of non-compete?
Yes.  That is the nature of the business.  I can tell you that I tried to weasel out of it, but that is a long story best told through my attorney.  The short of it is that I have to stay off the air until the end of July.  So, as I understand it, I am free and clear by August 1.  There again, you never know when you are dealing with a corporate machine.  We shall see what happens when that date rolls around.

In the meantime, have you been offered any jobs back on the radio?
I have.  Once again, I can't really go into detail here.  What I can say is that they came from some rather unlikely sources in that I would have never considered in the past.  One of which is something that may come to pass in that they are willing to wait for my non-compete to expire.  Once again, we shall see what transpires at that time.  Timing is everything, you know?  On the flip side of this, one guy I talked to said that his best advice to me was to leave the market.  Considering the source and the competitive nature of this industry, I must be thought of as a threat to their well-being.  I rather like that.  I took that as a compliment.

How about outside of the radio business?
Seriously, what am I going to do?  Look at me for Christ sake.  I'm pathetic.  The only thing I know how to do I was already doing.  I have been in this crazy business for so long that I wound up shooting myself in the foot as far as a career change is concerned.  Honestly, I don't think I would be happy doing anything else anyway.  Granted, with the current economy, things aren't looking great for anybody.  Nevertheless, my options are always open.  Just as long as there is a decent health plan with dental.

So, what are you doing now?
Not much.  I don't get out that often and when I do, it is a quiet moment with my wife and friends.  It's funny, when I was working, I felt the ever present ticking of the clock which kept me thinking I was about to miss something.  The clock still ticks, but now it's ticking off time until I can get back to doing what I want to do.  You know what I mean?  It seems to tick louder and slower.  I'm learning patience, not very well mind you, but it is a learning process I'm trying to enjoy. 

You mentioned earlier that you were told to leave Memphis.  Would you actually consider that?
Not at this point.  There is no reason for it.  Things are bad all over.  I was told a long time ago by a friend in this business that you have to make your own breaks.  It's so true.  That's how I got this last gig.  Sure, it would be easy to pull up stakes and leave here.  But, look at what all I would be walking away from.  I have been here a long time.  It's hard to just get up and go to another city where no one knows who you are and you are trying to start over in place you don't know.  Sure, it happens and it used to happen a lot more.  But these days are different, the business is different, people are different.  It's good to have some familiarity with the community you live in and work for.  Memphis, despite it's troubles is a good place.  There is a lot here.  Besides, why build a new audience when there are a few people here who already know me?

Since February 25th; you lost your job, one of your best friends passes away, you had a death in the family and your house was damaged in a storm.  How did you keep your sanity through all of that?
Who says I did?  I lost a lot.  My source of income went away along with the sole reason for getting up at 4:30 in the morning.  John's passing was tough, I was by his side at the hospital when the last rites were given.  My sister's husband Allen, he died of Alzheimer's at the age of 55.  It was expected but still quite sad.  I was unable to attend the funeral and I still feel bad about that.  Then came the storm.  That was pretty scary since I was just sitting in my office at home.  I went to look out the front door and not 30 seconds later, this giant tree limb came crashing through the back wall of my office.  Had I been in there... well, who knows?  Yeah, I had a ticket on the old shit train.  I took the ride and hopefully all the bad stuff is behind me now.  The house is back together, my family continues to heal and I have enough memories with John to write a book.  As for the job.  Another one will come along.  In fact, I can see it coming over the next hill.  I'll be back on the air soon enough.  I hate to sound like someone's grandmother, but the old saying about "this too shall pass" is very true. I'm glad I went through it.  Now I've rediscovered my sense of humor.  After all this, all I can do is laugh now.  God, maybe I did lose all my marbles! (laughs)

Stay Tuned...

15 March 2011

All Good Things...

... Come to and end.  Bad Dog used to tell me when someone in the house broke something, his mother would say, "This is why we can't have nice things."  I know the feeling.  Somebody broke something.

Since February 25, my life got turned upside down.  Here I was, looking forward to 2011.  So many prospects lay before us all.  Bad Dog beating leukemia, the show getting better (which it was) and many other things that come to mind as the new year gets underway.  Then, the bottom fell out.  When I was fired, Bad Dog was pissed.  Very angry.  Then, not two weeks later (March 10th), he was gone.  The following Saturday (March 12th), I got word from my family that my sister's husband, Allen had passed.  He too was 55 but had been battling Alzheimer's.

I told my wife that all of this at one time was almost too much for one man to bear.  I've certainly had my ups and downs and all of this has seemed to happen so fast.  To be honest, accepting all of this has not been very easy on everyone else either.  I have heard from so many of you the sadness you feel.  I continue to be humbled by your words. 

Just the other day I was in a store when a fan of the show approached me and shook my hand.  He said he was speechless and felt bad about the whole situation.  I thanked him and said that I too was speechless and felt bad.  What else do you say when these things happen like this? 

What makes this thing unique, from my perspective at least, was that I was caught up in a storm that I neither caused, nor had control over.  Yet so many emotional things have been said, both positive and negative about it all.  I may had been told that I was now the "odd man out" but, as I have learned over the recent days, I was actually quite the opposite as so many of you have been so inclusive to me.  For that, I can never have the right words to express my gratitude. 

We lost a great man with Bad Dog.  We lost, what Bad Dog and I thought (as apparently most you thought) was a good show.  And I lost a great brother-in-law in Allen.  So many people have been hurt by these things that it can become almost too much to bear.  But we persevere, heads held high and being able to count who are true friends are.  And thankfully, those numbers have been many.

Things will get better, they always do.  "This too shall pass."  My mother keeps telling me.  There will never be a replacement for Bad Dog or Allen, however, I might be able to replace that show with something new someday. Hopefully, here in Memphis where once again we'll play records and tell a few jokes and occasionally reminisce about Bad Dog.

The next step in all of this is happening now.  I am being asked what my plans are.  To be honest with you, I have no idea.  As I mentioned before, things have moved pretty quickly so far.  There's no telling what may come around the next turn.  Whatever it is, I will be sure to let you all know.  In the meantime, stick around.  I'll be here for the foreseeable future and somewhere along the way, my sense of humor should start to return.  Assuming of course, I actually had one to begin with.  Feel free to drop me a line here, or by email or on Twitter or if you happen to run into me in public somewhere, I'd love to shake your hand.  We'll commiserate together.  It's easier that way.

Stay Tuned...

07 March 2011


That's the question I have been asked now over a solid week.  The answer is, sadly, I was fired.  Why?  The official answer I was told by management was this, "We're making some changes and sadly, you are the odd man out."

I am also in the unfortunate position of not being allowed to elaborate on that and until I get the green light to do so, I am forced to simply say, for now at least, no comment.

In the meantime, I am not going anywhere anytime soon and you can contact me through this site, my email is in the profile or you can leave a comment below and I can also be found on Twitter.

Sorry, I cannot say more at the present.

What I can say is this.  I thank each and every one of you who have shown me support through my 14 years on the air.  Your comments regarding the situation have not gone unnoticed by me as several friends have forwarded them to me.  I am humbled by all the kind words that have been said.  It is truly a remarkable feeling to see the emotion and passion that has erupted over me and I am truly grateful.

I'll keep you updated from time to time and it will be "business as usual" on this site since I apparently have some extra time on my hands.  So...

Stay tuned...

11 February 2011

What's In A Name?

You have to love Memphis. Our newsworthy politicians seem to have a habit of making asses of themselves. More than one city council people have been known for their ability to not hold down their liquor very well.

There have been multiple accusations of fraud and corruption by others... and so on and so forth.

However, when a city has a former mayor they actually admire, they can't properly honor him due to the connotation his name brings up.

You can't tell me that his mother did NOT have a sense of humor about all of this. In this day and age of "manscaping" and the like, the thought of these people NOT realizing Harry Baals was going to be a problem? C'mon...

If you want to get technical about it, I'm quite sure his birth certificate lists his name as Harold Baals.  Which, if you think about it, makes this whole conversation moot.

My opinion?  If this were Memphis and not Fort Wayne, we would name every building we had "The Harry Baals (this or that)"

Like it's not fun enough to live around here and I'm quite sure the fine citizens of Fort Wayne share my optimism.

Stay Tuned...

05 February 2011

Oh My God

I certainly am not a person who wants to start some religious war or anything like that.  Lord knows I tend to be a critic or even a cynic when it comes to various religions in the world.  Before I go any further, let me tell you that I am a christian and I do believe in a supreme being.  Having said that, my problem has been with most of the organized religions that are out there.  It really boils down to one thing... money.

I've been thrown out of churches for asking too many questions.  In one rather infamous case, I was literally dragged out of a Lutheran church for raising my hand during the sermon and asking the question, "What is it that this church does to lead by the example you are setting?"  I certainly wasn't being rude.  I was merely trying ascertain how the subject of the sermon (being "Christ-like" to your fellow man) was being applied outside of the church.  Apparently, not having an answer was solved by having me dragged back out the front door from the pew and placed on the steps outside and admonished never to come back.  It ultimately did answer my question as to what that church does that is "Christ-like".

In college I studied quite a few courses in theology and enjoyed them quite a bit.  But, ever since those days, my questions asked to various church leaders in different denominations have been met with some sort of veiled hostility.  Ultimately, I wound up being thrown out of several Baptist churches, a Catholic church and the aforementioned Lutheran church.  Just for asking a question.

On the air, I have questioned certain things the Catholic church does, usually regarding money and the whole sex crime thing.  I am quite certain that my name appears on the Catholic shit list.  As it does on other church lists.  It assures me though, that my relationship with the All Mighty is mine alone and is rather personal.

One thing I have learned over the years, that essentially, most denominations are rather upfront regarding their tenets.  That's a good thing, since many prospective members know exactly what they are getting into.  Unlike those who are members of the Scientologists.

Clouded in all sorts of secrecy, the Scientologists will reveal those secrets upon the successful depositing of money in the bank.  But, when questioned... well, that is a different story.

Last year, Martin Bashir was interviewing a member of this cult.  He was being rather nice to the spokesperson of this group until one particular question was asked.

So, it's a violation of his religious beliefs to clarify the beliefs of Scientology?

As much as we beat up on the Scientologists.  They are not the only ones who get testy about these things.  However, what good is a faith in something that supposed to be inclusive when it ultimately turns its back on any questions?  Jesus certainly understood that.  He even suggested that one should ask questions.

Granted, Scientology is a pretty messed up deal, in my opinion.  To understand their beliefs, I recommend going to this site and reading up.  Which by my posting of that probably put me on the Scientology shit list.  If that is the case, so be it.

Stay Tuned...

14 January 2011

Playing It Safe In The 40's

After dropping Facebook, I do find myself wanting to look at other ways of retro-organizing my life. However, this may be going a bit too far. Perhaps this would be a decent idea in our current litigious environment. It could be adapted and re-written and most assuredly would stand up in court.  Click for bigger image.

Just imagine getting caught carrying around a few of these... already filled out.

Stay Tuned...

13 January 2011

Goodbye Facebook

No, they aren't going anywhere, sadly. But I did. I just deleted my account.

Why? I'll tell you. But I warn you, it isn't pretty.

There has not been one thing of interest to me personally since I signed up for the damn thing. Granted, there are some "friends" there who are truly my friends. The cool thing about them is that they know how to get in touch with me in other ways, you know, like dialing a phone or at the very least, sending a text message. Besides, they all know my email address(es).

I know that there are those who are fans of the Bad Dog and Ric show who perhaps, felt a connection to the show through that page. I'm sorry if you did. I probably let you down anyway since I never posted pictures of what I was having for dinner (since food never photographs very well), I never alerted the Facebook world when I was heading to the bathroom, I am also rather proud of the fact that I never felt the urge to post links to videos of bands I like (much less the lyrics).

Seems to me that was sort of a waste. That's what this page is all about.

Perhaps I never felt as though I needed to burden all those people who were my Facebook friends with the things I like.

To me, life is about experiences. If I choose to share those, I do here. Not in simple and snarky liners to be digested so quickly. I am aware, that I might inadvertently offend some of you Facebook people with that sort of thinking and I'll have you know, that is NOT my intention.

In my way of thinking, scaling back can be a good thing. I have this page and I will be maintaining my Twitter account and post here and there more frequently. (Hopefully!)

So, in short... goodbye Facebook. Betty White was right, "Facebook is a huge waste of time."

At least it was for me.

Stay Tuned...