27 May 2009

Update: Horn Lake Lights

Eddie Middleton was on this morning to give us the FAA explanation behind the below video. They say that the lights are actually FedEx planes lining up for landing. I live in the flight line of the airport and I can tell you, those planes line up in 2 minute intervals, so it seems to me that the FAA's explanation is hooey.

Our thanks to Eddie and http://www.nightsearch.net/ for the head's up... so to speak.

Update II:

The link that was there regarding Rense was pulled since it is, in fact, anti-semitic. Thanks for the comment post hipping me to this nonsense. I was trying to post information regarding the sighting and I did it without pre-screening the link. My apologies. I personally don't condone any hate speech even though it is a fundemental right of Americans to have free speech. I just don't want that stuff here.

Frankly, Eddie should be ashamed of himself for associating himself with that stupid website.


  1. Hey Rick, the rense.com website is an anti-jewish, black helicopter, conspiracy theory nutjob site. Not the best place to link to for legitimate info...

  2. My post edited and the link was removed. Thanks for the info!
